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Wife: [watching the news] oh God, did you see Petsmart got robbed?!
Me: [loud barks coming from all 19 pockets of my parachute pants] nope
I always keep a gun in my pocket so people won’t think I’m happy to see them.
Judas: How long are your arms?
Jesus: Why?
Judas: Like in a cross, how long
Jesus: A what?
Judas:Across. How long across.
You guys beat up on Catholicism, but any time you need an exorcism, there you are dialing up the rectory.
I see a guy with a sharktooth necklace.
Me: Holy shit! That’s the sharpest part of the shark. Who is this mysterious and brave hunk?
I think the main issue with ‘The Hunger Games’ is that while her life is at stake, boy problems are still presented as legitimate threats.
*at the pet shop*
Me: Can I buy a goldfish?
Seller: Do you want an aquarium?
Me: I don’t care what star sign it is.
why stack your tupperware when you can chunk it into the cabinet and close the door before it falls out.
My Family: Show us on the doll where you…where you touched yourself.
*I slowly point to the doll’s face, everyone erupts in sobs and wailing*
Me as a kid: I can’t wait until I’m an adult and have money to spend on anything I want!
Me as an adult: Reads dozens of online reviews and does an exhaustive cost/benefit analysis before buying a $15 dish drainer.
I support this random dude and all his protests
I am not saying I am way behind on laundry but the fact that my husband is wearing swim trunks around the house today sure does
While trying to get my toddler to sleep, I muttered “who gave you caffeine?!” She has been repeating this phrase for an hour now.
Do I write a note to the sitter explaining the situation before or after she announces that someone gave her caffeine before bed
A lot can be said about the difference between a Guy and a Man
Someone known colloquially as the Noodle Guy could probably tell you about all sorts of different pasta shapes and what sauces pair with them
But The Noodle Man is someone known to authorities
robber: empty the register, no funny business
joke store owner: oh no
What do the films Titanic & the 6th sense have in common?
Icy dead people…
What if balloons take over and start twisting us into animal shapes?
This is no longer an app but a mishapp
People like to encourage you with helpful advice like “sing like no one is listening” but hate it when you actually do it in line at the Target checkout
Just remember, you can’t please everyone.
So just focus on what’s important, pleasing me.
Waiter: Are you finished?
ME: First of all, there’s still like 3 fries left.
HULK:*smashes a tank*
IRON MAN:*flies bomb into space to save mankind*
HAWKEYE: I have an arrow w/ your name on it pal, hold on stand still
My southern mother forbid me to ever tell the story of when she accidentally got in bed with my boyfriend thinking it was me until she touched his hairy back so I will obviously take that to my grave
I got sunburned at the beach and now my husband won’t listen to anything I say because he doesn’t “take advice from tomatoes.”
No thanks, malls. I shop from home without pants like a normal person.
Quarantine Day 31: I joined a Facebook group where we all pretend to be ants in an ant colony
*partner holding up finger and thumb almost touching*
Her: I am THIS close to snapping. Be warned.
Me: *gently* Aw honey they have to actually touch if you want to snap them!
*general murder sounds*
Just told my son to “wipe that smile off your face” and I swear I heard my dad laughing from 3,000 miles away
*penguin strapped on my back*
Ma’am, is that a penguin on your back?
No, it’s just a backpack.
um, fish