5: I’ve only got one shoe
Me: you need to find the other one
5: I found it!
Me: that was quick, where was it
5: on my foot!
Me: that’s the one you already had on
5: oh
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a. love
b. sweet love
c. a category in IMDB that gives you a visual height comparison by actor for a given cast in a show
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No, not that one.
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Please be on notice:
From this point forward, I shall tweet exactly whatever autocorrect provides.
I’m sorry if that isn’t exact whet you were expectorant.
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Looking for a new spicy potato chip?
-Hot Pringles in your area
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My gang: bro I know 5 weird people and you are 4 of them
*Showing me a picture of your baby*
Me: Is that a dog toy in the background? What kind of dog do you have? What’s your dog’s name?
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Me: Sir, is this corn maze GMO free?
Him: It’s five dollars.