5:32 pm “I don’t need a cart. I’m just picking up a few things.”
5:38 pm: Struggling to the self checkout with a watermelon, a 12-pack & a turkey balanced on a four-foot stack of Cap’n Crunch & Cheez Its.
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Because manors.
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ME: Damn I bet it’s so good
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•Maintain eye contact
•Be positive*JOB INTERVIEW*
INTERVIEWER: Tell me about yourself.
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and we live in a world of limitless beauty.
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Introducing ManBat
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I really just spent $40 on a costume for my dog so I can win a work pet costume contest for a $10 coffee gift card.
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He says I’m cute when I’m mad. Well he has no idea of how gorgeous I can be.
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On the back it says ‘but I wont do that.’
British people
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making sure he doesnt get away
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You’re likely of an age where, in previous centuries, you would be the village elder, dispensing advice and wisdom.
*reads your timeline*
Or maybe not
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