8 was riding his bike and fell and scratched up his knee pretty good. he can still stand and move it but knowing him he will be unable to walk or do any daily chores for 7-10 business days.
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There are some people who when they hit rock bottom, they refuse to just lie there…
They just pick up a shovel and started digging.
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*me brushing my daughter’s hair
my watch: are you working out?
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Perhaps next time I should go out with him?
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Woman, to hubs: There’s no such thing as too much cheese!
Me: *peels a cheddar slice from my emergency roll*
M: *writes my cell number on it* I like your style babe, call me
M: *eats the cheese* DAGNABBIT!
M: *peels a cheddar slice from…
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movies gotta warn me if they’re a part 1, before i’m in the theater. I just got jump scared by “to be continued” screens twice in one week (Fast X and Spiderverse).
i’m a 37 year old man and and i need emotional closure in my movies, i don’t have time to be cliffhanged
After living in terror for 27 years, Gloria Estefan’s threat is realized; I open my car door, and am brutally attacked by the rhythm.
me: *jumping out of a cake*
guy in next urinal: DUDE
My 6yo is excited at the possibility of being a ghost, but wants to know if her toys will remain real toys or become ghost toys
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interviewer: what do you mean you don’t have any
me [excitedly]: ask about weaknesses
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I caught my 3yo singing “And a partridge in a pantry”
[the cops release the cadaver sniffing dogs into my living room for the third time this week]
ME: *pauses netflix* I told you I’m not dead!
These eyebrows are not my children but I will certainly raise them
As a man I’ll never know the what the pain of child birth feels like. But I’m guessing the pain of stubbing your toes has to be really close.
-Fragrance by Social Media
do people who back up into parking spots also back up into elevators