Depression ads overestimate my need to hike.
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If you see a dog locked in a car on a hot day, it’s legal to teach it how to hotwire the vehicle and drive off in search of a better life.
My 4 year old daughter is in the tub screaming song requests at Alexa like a drunk divorcee
Omg you guys I got a Christmas bonus! JK it was a video message from the CEO in which he struggled to read the cue cards.
If I were a proctologist, you KNOW I would keep a pair of Hulk Hands in my exam room.
Him: you seem disappointed
Me: i just thought we were staying at a sweet
Him: this is a suite
Me: *licking the wall again* these are not gingerbread Patrick!
Having kids hasn’t stopped us from doing anything we used to do.
We still do the same stuff, it’s just ruined.
That awkward moment when someone says “stop”, and you don’t know whether to respond with “collaborate and listen” or “hammer time.”
Guy who invented the clock: there will be 12 numbers on it
Friend: so the day will be divided into 12 segments?
Inventor: no, 24
Friend: so will the day start at 1
Inventor: the day will start at the 12, which is at night
Inventor: the 6 means 30
Me: How much for the Bohemian golf ball?
Clerk: That’s an egg.
paperclip: the staple for people with commitment issues.
“Are you listening?”
“Are you REALLY listening?”
“I really am.”
“But I mean, are you-”
“I’m not gonna say it, Dave.”
5: mom i learned the months of the year!
me: oh yeah? what are they?
5: january…february…tuesday?
me: *tears up application to harvard
After a long day of tweeting I like to relax with a hot cup of wtf am I doing with my life?
Being the parent of a 7 yr old boy, I have washed many odd things when I forgot to check his pockets, but today wins: an entire potato.
Hate it when I bring someone back to my place for the first time and all they want to talk about are the corpses.
Suit: It says here you’re “dramatic” and “nonsensical”?
Me [forward somersault, grabs resume]: Sorry that’s a typo, it should say “sandpaper pickles”.
Don’t listen to the haters, all mushrooms are edible.
Some only once.
[giving a eulogy for my doctor]
ME: im very sorry that i ate all of those apples
ME: I’m back from vacation!
BOSS: It’s been 4 1/2 years! You said a week in Venice!
ME: No, a week on Venus…which is 1701 days
This is a bad sign
Not sure how to cuddle propawly
📹 absolute_kaos1 | IG
Merlin: What now?
Lawyer: I’d advise you to turn yourself in to the police
Officer Merlin: Ok, and now?
Thanks for coming to my TED talk.
You didn’t say anything.
Yes, you’re welcome.
Statistically you’re more likely to be killed by a vending machine than a shark. But here at SharkVend™, we think we may have found a way to even those odds.
If by environmentalist you mean “I try to get out of doing things by saying it’s bad for the environment” then yes, I’m an environmentalist.
All right then, keep your secrets
iPhone 14, iPhone 15 and iPhone 16
Funny how in old video games you could just eat a whole turkey or a pizza you found on the street and it would make you better but my doctor specifically told me I had to stop doing that so who’s telling the truth
[first date]
Her: Are you wearing a wire?
Me: *realizing I forgot to take the hanger out of my shirt before putting it on*
Standing naked in front of the mirrors trying to figure out which one makes me look thinner.
Home Depot manager: “If you don’t leave now, I’m calling the police.”