When do kids stop eating things they find on the floor? According to my husband it’s not 38.
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HISTORIAN: So the important thing to remember is Ted Bundy was a horrific serial killer.
PRODUCER: Right. Also incredibly hot.
HISTORIAN: Really, just, try to focus on how he was a homicidal monster.
PRODUCER: Yeah, total smoke show, we’re on the same page.
[saturday, 5am]
no one:
no one at all:
delivery truck: I AM BACKING UP!!!!
I finally spilled coffee over my favourite t shirt and now I can wear it all day any day.
Sorry I didn’t text you back, my hands are sore from karate chopping loaves of bread in half and feeding them to starving children all day.
welcome to the motel california
it’s the cheaper choice (such a cheaper choice)
hear your neighbor’s voice
What if “my anaconda don’t want none unless you got buns, hun” was just Sir Mix-a-Lot saying that his pet snake is a picky eater and prefers bunnies.
If god didn’t like sex, He wouldn’t make us scream His name when it’s really hot.
Baking powder gets most stains out of carpets and upholstery. Does anybody know how to get baking powder out of carpets and upholstery?
What brave editor will let me publish 1,500 words on why ordering ravioli at a restaurant is a scam? The sage butter is not making up for the fact that you’re charging me $27 for 4 small dumplings.
I used to think popcorn poppers were only good for making popcorn. How right I was!
The optimist sees the carrot.
The pessimist sees the stick.
I see the ranch dip.
Smartphone owners are the bravest. They’re not afraid of anything not even death.
They can walk into any running truck without giving a damn
If you hate someone on your Christmas list, buy them parakeets.
“Wow, more ABBA. Shocking.”
-anyone on road trips with me
Toy Story is totally unrealistic! I’ve never once won a prize at that stupid claw game.
My… My daughters built a slug hospital and found 30+ “patients” who are now escaping and nothing in the parenting books prepared me for this.
[long ago]
A: Ok, so let’s mush a tree to pulp and then make flat thingies out of it.
B: Great idea. Write that down.
A: Where?
Mom: “Do you want this?”
Me: “No.”
Mom: “Ok I’ll give it to your brother.”
Me: “No I want it.”
My great grandma used to regift the same nice plaid button-up shirts to my great grandpa every year. He’d thank her for them and then save them for a special occasion, and when Christmas came she’d wrap them again. He never seemed to notice.
My 8 year old told me a boy proposed at school and she accepted and honestly this will be her second marriage so I told her she’s going to get a reputation.
Some people are glistening beacons of nope.
Favorite question to ask a prospective boyfriend for my sister:
Have you ever seen a dead body?
*casually lifts shirt to expose .357*
I have no problem sticking to a diet if I go to sleep right after breakfast.
Guy: I want a divorce.
Me: And who are you?
Guy: I’m your husband! We live together for 6 years!
Me: Hmm.. No way! Are you sure?
This gum has my stomach convinced food is coming.
Salesman: This model corners really well
Car: *backs me into an alley and takes my lunch money*
Getting up very early in the morning is a dawn thing task
*flips bird*
*buys another bird with the profits*