me: *filling my plate with a heaping pile of mashed potatoes*
me: *goes radio silent*
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When I see Jehovas I talk to them right through my doorbell camera and tell them I’m not home.
My husband says our family will never get a pet but yesterday I walked in on him baby talking the roomba.
i wish there was a way to online shoplift 🙁
Shortly after firing up my Toro Power Sweep, I begin thinking of myself as a “leaf herder” and realize I need to get out more often.
Me: *Gets my kids the exact same thing to avoid arguments*
*argument ensues*
4yo: You’re a good dad.
Me: Thanks.
4yo: You’d be better if you said yes more.
Me: Okay.
4yo: Can I have ice cream? Think about what I said.
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barista: *under breath* shit
I never learned to swim because I didn’t think it would ever be more than an hour since I last ate
Pugs. Because you can’t own E.T.
[stopping the tattoo artist 15 seconds into my “feel no pain” tattoo] ok so you’re gonna laugh
ME AT A PARTY: oh we’ve met? i’m sorry i’m bad with faces
ME WATCHING A MOVIE: ok that guy in the background is character actor james rebhorn who was in meet the parents, independence day, the talented mr ri
[summons a demon]
demon: oh crap jury duty
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I’m not proud of the person I become when I see a cheese tray at a party.
I hate when people call and say they’re 10 minutes away for a “drop-by surprise visit” and I have to set fire to my house.
Kids are like doughnuts. Sweet and yummy but more than one, maybe two, and you’re like, “What the hell have I done?”
Waiter: What dressing would you like on your salad?
Me: Ice cream
Me: Sound the drums of war!!
My kids: *rhythmically drumming their stomachs*
*we enter the buffet*
I can’t stop coughing. Think I’ll go see a movie in a crowded theater while slowly eating a bag of bone-dry popcorn.
Fellas, be sure to never ask a lady any questions on a date. This makes them feel interrogated. Strong declarative statements only
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Guy: But-
Wolverine: Look man, just take the L and leave
Guy: *Drives away*
Woverine: Oh no you didnt!
what is the evolutionary advantage of depression, you ask? well what if our ancestors didn’t get the plague because instead of hanging out with people, they were bumming out at home
1. Denial
2. Anger
3. Bargaining
4. Depression
5. Acceptance
– My stages of getting ready for work
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Say sliders to drugs
Say no to yes
My cat has taught me that an 80:20 ratio of sleep to physical activity is really the way to go
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Mosquito on your ex’s cheek.
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