Ah, quarantine. But first, I will meet up with 500 people at the grocery store to fight over beans.
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Bathroom hand dryers are amazing if you want to kill a few minutes before wiping your hands on your pants.
Me: I can’t think of any life goals
Wife: God could you be any lazier?
Me: ooh good one
Radio Shack would have filed for bankruptcy years ago but they’ve been trying to do it using dial-up internet
8yo: Did you know they used to have computer mouses that had wires? I don’t even know how you could use those
Me: To strangle your coworkers
8yo: What?
Me: Huh?
Me as a teen: Only 150 hours?
Me as an adult: I will literally pay you more money to make this game shorter
*Jumps out of bed
“Seize the day!!”
*Stubs toe
*Calls in sick
I dont mean to sound racist, but why is my baby black?
*doctor sighs for like 3 mins*
“Sir, its an ultrasound”
*Seinfeld bass riff for days*
Gave my Dad a ouija board so we can keep in touch after he gave my Mom a vacuum for her birthday
*runs out of toilet paper*
“Good bye, infinity scarf”
Waitress: Is everything ok?
As part of our environmental commitment, we recycled* 84 tons of aluminium, 6 tons of rubber, 5 tons of glass and 14 miles of wiring just this morning alone.
*a plane missed the runway
I bet zombies feel the same way about mannequins as I do about oatmeal raisin cookies.
Forgot the word “peel” when talking about a fruit and said “I skin the kiwi…” instead.
“I maintain an elaborate system of thousands of solar panels, but once a year I throw them away because screw it I’ll make more.”
God: you’re a koala bear.
Koala: yay I love bears!
God: but you’re not a bear.
Koala: oh.
God: yeah.
Koala: this is awkward.
God: it’s just bears have certain criteria.
Koala: so you’re saying I don’t meet the koalafications : )
God: that pun was beary bad.
Me: [trying to act normal]
Nearby Person: hey man are you ok
judge: 99 yrs
me: is it cos i called ur gavel a justice hammer?
judge: no that actually helped
me: killing then
judge: yeah the killing
An air mattress is the best way to tell your houseguests not to stay too long.
Person: Breakfast is the most important meal of the day.
Lunch and dinner: We’re standing right here!
I can raise kids just fine,
but keeping plants alive that
only need to be watered once
a month is apparently
out of my reach.
Hubby has an alarm app where you can record your own sounds or music to wake up to. I just changed his to “THE HOUSE IS ON FIRE!!!”
[tries a new move during sex to keep things interested]
wife: did you just dab
I finally understand what the cat wants when he wakes me up at 4 am
The endings of Lost and Game of Thrones each cost me a television.
Thanks to technology, family members from across the country can still have meetings to discuss what a disappointment you are.
Shout out to God for giving me the strength to walk away from stupid people without slapping them.
3-year-old: Daddy, I love you *hugs me*
Me: I love y- Did you wipe your mouth on my shirt?
Most of fatherhood is just being a good napkin.
*husband rolls his eyes then instantly regrets it
My brain:
Tracie don’t
Tracie don’t
Tracie don’t
Tracie don’t
Tracie don’t
Tracie don’tMe: burns his grilled cheese sandwich on both sides
When I get naked in the bathroom, the shower usually gets turned on.
5: Daddy whatcha doin’?
Me: Cleaning my shot gun
Me: Because one day a boy will like you
5:You mean like Ben?*racks the chamber*