Always keep your head up and stand proud! That way your double chin won’t show in your pictures.
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[two hours into describing a criminal to a police sketch artist]
…But when he took off the mask, he just looked like a normal guy
Every so often my wife sends me these cute texts like “Heyyy” and “Come upstairs, your kids clogged their toilet”.
Drunks will undercook grilled chicken every single time.
Friends don’t let friends get drunk and grill chicken.
HR says I’m not allowed to test the bungy rope I made out of rubber bands on the intern
[first day as a detective] I can’t remember where I parked my car
I saw a statue of Cinderella today. I didn’t like it, but I found the plinth charming.
Why does toothpaste drop off your toothbrush so easily but then turn into a type of thermosetting polymer that’s impossible to wash away?
[alternate reality]
[dogs walking their humans on leashes]
dog1: have u heard of upman?
dog2: whats upman?
dog1: not much man whats up w/ u?
centipede: *trips*
*but for like, an hour*
to the tune of ‘everybody dance now’ himalayan sea salt
Good morning
Please keep my family in your thoughts. Our microwave broke, and we have to wait an hour for a baked potato.
Found my cat’s phone, just hundreds of photos of me sleeping. Weird.
*walks into library*
“Excuse me, where are your books about asking librarians out on dates?”
Just accidentally flashed my gay neighbor. He’s not gay anymore.
Just kidding. He totally threw up.
(understanding 0% of what I’m being told as i’m getting trained for my new job) that all makes perfect sense, no questions
15 hours may seem like a lot of time to spend on a 1st grade space diorama, but you should have seen the look on my son’s face when he saw it for the first time on the drive to school this morning.
[to the person sitting next to me on my flight] where u headed
“He’s behind me, isn’t he.”
“Is he making that stupid face?”
What do you say to your sister when she’s crying?
Are you having a crisis?
Ironically, my toys are also called Buzz and Woody
I would have become a Hare Krishna
if only I had the chants.
Anyone else see a huge missed opportunity here?
My daughter is so excited to climb the rope in gym class today that I’m starting to doubt she’s mine.
Me: Look, I really stuck my neck out for you and-
Vampire: wow
Me: Right off the bat you- No, I’m just saying it bites, I mean it sucks when-
Vampire: WOW
Explained occurrences: redditor runs into daylight savings time
Crap. I accidentally pulled up Instagram instead of Instacart. Now it’s 2 hours later and I have no groceries for Sunday prep but I know where Rihanna bought her hoop earrings and I have 20 cute pumpkin pics saved.
[in ambulance after being shot]
can we [coughs blood] stop at Taco Bell?
“Don’t be stupid! [turns around while driving] of course we can”
With the proper diet and lack of exercise, you can turn any jeans into skinny jeans.