banks email like “Ummmmm we have a MESSAGE for you. In your INBOX” and then the message is like “Hello we are your bank”
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“With all due respect is the polite version of ‘listen here you little shit’”
he chose this
Doctor: Between 1 and 10, describe how much pain are you in?
Me: Is married a number?
That’s how I get the good meds…
If I don’t cause an explosion when I’m cremated my life has been a total waste.
video games where you have to repair your gun or like change the oil in your motorcycle or whatever can take a damn hike. there’s plenty of tedium in my actual life–i wanna chainsaw a mutant in half, not fold virtual laundry.
the real victims in all of this are those of us who like to take soup in museums to have a nice snack and now will be regarded with hostility and suspicion — or worse!
[on a Ferris wheel]
Me: *to my pet ferret* I’m sorry, Joshua, there’s been a misunderstanding
seeing a lot of pretty girls tweet about being “created in a lab” which is weird bc i distinctly remember the day we all emerged from the depths of the lake together
me: my girlfriend’s a model
him: oh yeah what kind?
me: papier-mâché
My husband is outside talking to people. Tonight, he will be outside sleeping.
Oh your gums are bleeding? I brush my teeth so hard my hand is bleeding
one thing I really like about competitive horse riding is that horses, more often than not, are assholes. love them! be an asshole! you’re a horse!
“Where were u on the night of the 3rd?”
Stabbing a homeless man.
“Louder for the tape?”
Wrapping a boneless ham. As a gift.
[Ouija board]
Me: Demon?
I-W-I-L-L-E-A-T-Y-O-U-R-E-S-O-U-LMe: *your
Home is where your toilet is.
The FBI’s security gets penetrated so often that we should make it an honorary Kardashian.
The Queen is crazy if she thinks I’m going to wait until February
Relationship status: I shout “PIZZA’S HERE” so the delivery guy doesn’t think I’m eating two pizzas by myself.
My 5yo son at a cookout, “Where are the scrambled eggs?”
why does every 4-way stop remind me of a group project?
The movie ‘Up’ is utter bullshit. I tied 57,000 balloons to my house & my wife didn’t die.
CEO: Why do you think you’d be a good fit at our firm?
Stallone: I’m making a movie about composers. I’m playing Beethoven.
Van Damme: I’ll be Mozart.
Schwarzenegger: Stop it guys, I’m not saying it.
They should get rid of red light cameras and replace them with big walls that pop up at the intersection that you slam into if you run the light
Ok Brazil, this would be a time when it’s ok to bite an opponent.
I’m so sorry my pet rock attacked you. Its just he really hates arrogant douche bags. Thank god he only hit your face.
Oh you love your mom? Name three of her albums
When my wife got her tongue pierced I asked her why? She said To enhanthe the thektual thimulation.
Newlyweds: Our love will be strong & unapologetic
[3 months later]
Him: How many bottles of shampoo do you need?
Her: I fake it every time
my neighbor: can you keep an eye out for our dog? he ran away
me: oh no, when’s the last time you saw him? did he leave a note
neighbor: early this morn- did you ask if he left a note?