*BF walks in on me surrounded by dozens of empty Reddi Whip cans*
Me- *Mouth full of whip cream* –
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Just got hospitalized due to a peekaboo
accident.They put me in the ICU.
They:’What doesn’t kill you..’
Me:’I don’t want to be stronger.’
The guy two cubes down wears vests, curls his mustache, and never says a word. I always smile politely because maybe he’ll spare my life.
Why I update my apps
:-For the new features ❌:-for the notifications to go away✅
Birthday sex is just having sex to celebrate your parents having sex.
I told my husband that our toddler won’t eat tomatoes and he asked why not, as if toddlers are normal human beings
If you occasionally blow on your bourbon during a Zoom meeting, the other folks will think you’re enjoying a hot cup of tea.
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Whales go days, sometimes weeks at a time without giving anyone their opinion.
Sometimes when my husband gets too comfy I like to whisper sexy suggestions like how amazing the neighbor’s lawn has been looking so I can watch him leap out of his chair and rage mow our yard into perfection
Art by Pastelkatto
Man: a pack of condoms please.
Cashier: would you like a paper bag?
Man: no thanks, she’s pretty good looking.
Me: Okay, time to get off our bed
Dog: It’s adorable that you think that.
I learned to play guitar so people would stop asking me to go camping.
A little boy looked at my tie the other day and told me that he really liked my leash.
I hope to stop crying soon.
it’s dangerous to go alone. take this with you
A funny thing about the Heimlich Maneuver is that it’s impossible to pronounce if you’re choking.
When I was a kid, dad would say ‘I’d give that a minute’ as he emerged from the bathroom after a heavy night on the beer.
I vowed I’d never be that crass with my kids, so I don’t give them any such warning.
Every time my boyfriend and I break up, we get back together for half the length of our previous relationship. My friends say it’s unhealthy, but as a student of mathematics, I know it’s bound to end in a finite amount of time.
Hot tip: Apparently it’s frowned upon to make the sound effect tssst when being blessed by a priest
It’s always the Great Wall of China, but I feel bad for all the other walls in China. They’re like
“Hey i’m a pretty good wall too.”
“Where were u on the nite of the 5th?”
Stabbing a guy.
“Louder for the tape.”
[leans in]
Grabbing a pie. I went out for pie.
My 13yo likes to remind me that he’s taller than me, and I like to remind him I’m the one who signs his permission slips to do the fun things at school.
Every time this gets RTed a member of Congress gets kicked in the groin.
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I knocked over a plant in the kitchen but my cat saw me so I had to spray myself with water so I could show the law applies to everyone
got kicked out of a morgue for promoting body positivity
Me: Bob, it’s pronounced CHANGING, not a-changin’.
Bob Dylan: ?
Me: Can someone teach Bob to say CHANGE?
*David Bowie stands up*
Me: Not you