boss: where have you been for the past seven days
me: in bed
boss: but i said sleep was for the weak
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…twelve dollars.
(Don’t you judge me.)
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11: Daddy, how long have we been friends for?
Me: That depends. How old are you?
11: I’m eleven.
Me: Then probably 4 or 5 years hahaha
11: See, jokes like that is why we’re no longer friends.
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Me, hand on the fire alarm:
Coworker: I think you’re funny
Me, removing hand from fire alarm: yes
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Me: Thanks, it’s called Panic Attack
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Ugh but profoundly
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*it’s quite late now. Let’s make a call*
*Hey Boss, are you sleepin?*
[Yes you nerd, why?]
*cause I’m still doing your stupid work*
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Me: Go to your room.
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