Buying a girl drinks at the bar is played out. You gotta send a pizza & a basket of wings to her table
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My parents waited way too long to tell me about Santa and the Easter Bunny. I was so mad I got in my car & drove away.
Sorry, Tim. The Zoom meeting gods demand a sacrifice and you have the most annoying voice in the department.
Water is the solution to any problem… Do you want to lose weight? Drink more water. Stressful day? Take a warm bath. Tired of annoying people? Drown them.
My dad is at it again
“Living well is the best revenge.”
– someone who has never thrown a jar of spiders onto their enemy’s face.
If you don’t fold the laundry, it won’t get folded. I know because I run this experiment weekly
Yeah, I’m basically a Pokemaster.
*waves vaguely at shelves of confused squirrels in partially sealed Tupperware containers*
If you don’t wear pants, you’ll never poop them.
– Old folks home fortune cookie
JUDGE: Where’s your lawyer?
ME: I don’t have one.
JUDGE: So are you defending yourself?
ME: Is that an option?
ME: Okay *swings at bailiff who ducks and tases me immediately*
“Have you seen the cat, Sam?”
“The what now?”![]()
friend: what day is it today
me: it’s mar 10
friend: like mario!
me: itsa mar 10
*brakes hard*
*throws arm across passenger seat to protect pizza*
Thursday, 4:01pm
“Still there.”
“Looks blue.”
“It certainly does.”
“Wet too.”
“See you next week?”
“Count on it.”![]()
Look grandma. You told me to bring something to the wake. If you meant a casserole, you should have said so. Now help me load this drum kit.
I know we haven’t talked in awhile but I’ve been thinking about us a lot and I was wondering if u remembered the name of that burrito place
It feels like the right time to invest in the guillotine industry.
What is this alien looking thing in a wig trying to sing?
Oh wait thats Nicki Minaj.
Why would an alien in a wig pick Nicki Minaj as a name?
I’m just sick of the mixed signals, babe. One second you’re changing your phone number and the next you’re filing a restraining order.
Cookie dough and vodka are not dinner.
Coocie dogh and vodka are nt diner.
Cokie dgh and vodkka arnt dinr.
Everything was great until I opened my mouth.
– An autobiography
Some of y’all need Jesus and I say this as an atheist
If someone says “With all due respect,” what follows is the verbal equivalent of a captive chimp hurling feces at you.
Gotta love it when people get a half inch of snow and think the world is ending.
Canadian up.
When I empty the dishwasher, I pretend to be a Blackjack dealer and deal out the silverware.
He refuses to bathe without the Melon
Twinkle twinkle little whore, close your legs they’re not a door.
4yo: *shoots me with gun*
*stuffs gun in my pocket*
*runs away*
Me: *Realizes he just made it look like a suicide*
*keeping an eye on him*
4-year-old: The baby woke up all on her own.
Me: You didn’t wake her up by being loud?
4: No, I was very quiet while I tickled her.
I’m starting an emu farm and calling it ‘no fly zone’ so the birds don’t feel bad.
They should make a sequel to that movie Clueless with just me trying to find the clitoris.