“Can I have one?”
“Only if you do the thing.”
“Do I have to?”
“Yes, and you have to do the voice.”
“𝘴𝘪𝘨𝘩… Harry Potter must not return to Hogwarts!”
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eating mac and cheese in 64 bites is called mine kraft
My 4 year old daughter found a set of handcuffs in the bedroom. How the hell she found them I don’t know. She asked me why they were there. I said they were for when Daddy had been naughty he had to wear them. She repeated this to her Grandparents. Absolutely mortified.
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~If UB40 had wrote Red Wine in todays society. 🤷♀️😂
[1st date, don’t let her know you’re a panda]
“Do u mind if I ask how you got the um *gestures at eyes*
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the warning on my razor says “for external use only” and now I have questions
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When you’re on the third Zoom meeting of the day and decide you’re just gonna go ahead and eat your lunch and people can just deal with it.
My daughter complained we were out of snacks so I lifted the couch cushions.
Me: Damn. Another gray hair. *plucks it*
Old man standing next to me: Ouch!
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“My fellow Americans-”
“we are working tirelessly-”
“to make sure-”
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[tries to walk into my How to Use a Revolving Door class and ends up outside again] wtf
Have you ever had your kid get out of bed to knock on your door so many times that you found yourself shouting “WE’RE CLOSED! PLEASE COME BACK DURING REGULAR BUSINESS HOURS!”???
My dog crosses her paws regally while lying on the floor, like she didn’t just eat the contents of the bathroom trash can.
Him: Take off your socks. They don’t belong in bed.
Me: My socks are off, though.
Him: I meant the sock puppets on your hands.
Right sock puppet: Well, you’re no fun.
Left sock puppet: *blows raspberries*
thank us. at 3rd floor. hit yourself. you will. 3 months. from now.
*leaves with two lizards, a fish & a baby giraffe
I bought myself flowers at the store because I thought they were pretty.
Husband: Did I do something?
Me: No.
Husband: What’s the date?
Me: April 10th.
Husband: Is that an important date signifying anything?
Me: No.
Husband: Are you sure?
Me: Yes.
Husband, sweating: ok
me: *quarantines self*
*runs out of wine*
me: *unquarantines self*