“Can you make me look like this?” *shows hairdresser a picture of fire*
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“What do we want?”
“A compilation album!”
“What shall we call it?”
I am just a boy, standing in front of a milkshake, wondering by what sorcery it beckoned me to this yard
I grew up living paycheck to paycheck , but through hard work and perseverance i now live direct deposit to direct deposit.
I work as a receptionist in a vets. When somebody’s pet is being put to sleep we light a candle to let everyone know to be quiet and respectful. There was no dying pet today. I just had a hangover.
[day 7 of quarantine]
 ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄∧_∧ oh no
( ・ω・) im late for work
_| ⊃/(___
/ └-(____/
 ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄<⌒/ヽ-、__ lol
 ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
Did you try turning your relationship off and then back on again?
Me: *rips pants bending over*
Toddler: Daddy! You’re so strong! You ripped your clothes like Hulk!
Me: Uh. Yep. That’s me. Same thing. Just like the Hulk. Indistinguishable.
Toddler: *proudly tells everyone I’m like the Hulk because I rip my pants all the time*
Me: *dies*
{Annual Introverts Conference}
speaker: how y’all doing?
audience: *soft murmuring*
speaker: I said HOW Y’ALL DOING?
audience: *total silence*
speaker: that’s better
[watching basketball]
I bet these guys all have really big *husband stares at me* feet.
And that’s how you get him to turn off the game.
KID IN THE BACKSEAT: how much longer do we have to drive?
BON JOVI DAD: oh…we’re halfway there…
First day as a 911 operator:
“whoa, whoa, stop yelling. You called ME, remember?”
The best time to start a family fight is now. It gets you out of buying relatives gifts.
When I see how idiotic people can be, I get jealous of Darth Vader’s force choke ability in those exact moments.
Caught my kid forging my signature and I have to say, pretty good for a third grader
Billy Ocean’s “Get Outta My Dreams” is my favorite song about simultaneous eviction & abduction.
You haven’t seen rage until you’ve seen a group of women waiting for a yoga instructor who no-shows.
My son’s band, Wasting Groceries, is about to release their newest single “Rejected Banana”.
What’s the name of your kid’s band or hit single?
[In Bar]
Friend: Your fly is down
Me: I know, he’s going through a messy divorce
*glances to fly passed out among empty beer bottles*
Go to an ATM.
Withdraw $100.
Admin smashed it 😂
I could have been a doctor but the game Operation made me think the inside of a human body was electrified for some reason.
get her what she really wants this holiday season (a large quantity of potatoes prepared several different ways)
“Actually, you couldn’t get a dinosaur to do that, and a sundial wristwatch would be extremely impractical.” – me in the Flintstones writers room about to get fired.
WIFE: I said not to get a pet snak-
ME: Secretary.
WIFE: What?
ME: He’s not a pet. He’s Secretary of Snake.
WIFE: …Please don’t tell me his nam—
ME: Kenny Hissinger.
Just spent 3 hours debugging. Turns out it was a missing semicolon. Considering a career in sheep herding now.
superhero movie: this already insanely hot person discovers they have numerous additional gifts
me: this is relatable as hell
*locks hands with stranger in elevator*
im nervous, this is my first time flying
Love how you can tuck a kid in normally and come back 20 minutes later and find their leg over their head, their foot in their mouth and their pajamas on the floor
Therapist: And how do we respond when our horrible family member says something rude?
Me: You put the Ho in holidays
Therapist: No
I got banged so hard today I’m still walking funny.
Sure it was my head vs the door of my vehicle but I’m still counting it.