Caught my son chewing on electrical wires so, I grounded him.
He’s doing better currently and conducting himself properly…
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There was a time you couldn’t drive a computer if you didn’t have a driving license…
[first day as a teacher]
*smashes chair on ground*
“Do I have your attention now?!?”[the lamaze class seems confused]
[about to post]
Social Media Police: Is it reliable
Me: Yes
SMP: Source?
M: I heard it from a friend who heard it from a friend
SMP: Proceed
Money doesn’t impress me. You know what does? Treehouses.
damn he’s good
[pitch meeting]
Okay so it’s a ton of dogs. Dalmatians. 100 of ’em. I call it “100 Dalmatians.”
[idea man pipes in]
Let’s think bigger
“Smells fresh. Like a tropical island.”
“Ok. Now take off the blindfold! Your family’s been dead in this car for a week! We Febrezed it!”
[at art museum]
Me: It needs more yellow
Was at the park with the baby, and another parent pointed to a kid doing cartwheels and said, “Remember when we could do that at that age?”
Lady, I was icing my knees after recess when I was 7.
No Karen, you can’t return your
eclipse glasses tomorrow and
claim they “didn’t fit.”
Avocado is the roulette game of all the fruits.
I hate to choose sides, but if forced, I’ll aggressively side with the person paying my bar tab.
Her: Are you a dog person or a cat person?
Me: …
H: …
M: …
H: Why are you hesitating?
M: I’m not sure which answer will get me laid.
Me in January: (stuffing tangled lights and ornaments into unlabeled boxes) Problem for another day!
Me in December: Son of a b****
Passing by a group of ladies:
*conversation stops*
Walking back by:
*conversation stops*Me *giddy* I take their breath away!
me: and make it a double. it’s been a long night
bartender: *duct taping two Capri-Suns together*
Vader: “I am your father.”
Luke: “I am your father.”
Vader: “Stop copying me.”
Luke: “Stop copying me.”
Vader: “Shut up.”
Luke: “Shut up.”
Someone just gave the agenda for the “third half” of our meeting. Guessing it won’t involve fractions.
When I woke my son up, he growled at me and I was like, “First of all, you need to get ready for school, and second of all, you raise a good point.”
A kebab made by a librarian is a
Shhhhhish kebab
#RubbishJokes #KebabDay
I was the president of the fencing club in high school. We only met once, and then the cops found all the stolen property.
Me: *pressed against glass* they can’t keep us apart, they can’t deny our love, you’re my lobster
Aquarium owner: *into walkie talkie* security
Me: *being dragged away* WAIT FOR ME LEONARDO DA PINCHI
Lovely walk round Fitzrovia led me to a kindred spirit.
Me: They say a picture is worth a thousand words.
My advisor: This selfie can’t be your thesis statement.
My 13yo is upset that the tooth fairy didn’t leave him any money last night and I’m upset that I have a kid who still believes in the tooth fairy
I’m not a narc, but I did see my neighbors cat on a random porch 2 blocks away, took a picture, and shouted IM TELLING YOUR DAD
*buys a bunch of stuff at Costco*
Sir, you wanna box for those?
“Nah, I hate violence. Can I just pay cash?”
Shout out to the KFC drive-thru attendant who offered me “enough ranch to drown a small child”
Zen master: Why are you still tweeting? The validation isn’t real.
Me: Neither are you.
Zen master: Oh bugger.
*Breaks glass to steal Mona Lisa*
You crazy? Security will hear us
Security: ALRIGHT