*claims pandemic weight as a new dependent on my taxes*
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Netflix: Continue watching?
Me: *can’t find tv remote*
Narrator: she was laying on the tv remote, but she never found it because she was too lazy to get up
Robin: “Please?”
Batman: “No.”
“It’s prom!”
“You can’t drive the Batmobile!”
Alfred: “Can I? It’s Bingo night.”
Batman: *tosses keys*
Cleaning takes hours of backbreaking labor. But you can apologize for the mess without ever leaving the comfort of your favorite chair.
[wife in labor]
*i press play on cassette
{Ice Cube – You Can Do It}
Me: sorry hun
*ff to {SaltNPeppa – Push It}
One day I’m gonna write a book about a recipe blogger that confesses to murder in every single recipe on their website but they never get caught because no one reads the 12 pages of text before the recipe.
due to personal reasons i have decided to make even less sense to people who will never get me
Boss: I expect total transparency from my staff
Trevor: That’s not always practic—
John the Jellyfish: NO PROBLEM BOSS
yes 911 i need to report a kidnapping. lol yeah there’s a baby goat asleep in my lap. no dont send cops you’ll wake him up
My dad had a new radiator fitted, then realised you could no longer open the drawer. So he remade the drawer like this to correct his mistake. This sort of thing explains a lot of my upbringing.
ME: *introducing date to my parents* It’s some kind of desert raisin.
Just finished filming my new movie, “Death on the Sidewalk.” I shot it with my car’s back-up camera.
Oh, you climbed Mt. Everest?
Well, I live with 4 teenagers and ALL the laundry in the house is clean AND folded.
daughter: oh sure, blame all your troubles on me! that’s the only reason you had me!
me: you know that’s not true, Patsy
Plot twist. He’s actually a beautiful woman pretending to be a gross boomer reply guy
He died doing what he loved.
He didn’t know she was married.
If my husband doesn’t convert my ashes to ink and get me tatoo’ed into his flesh, I am coming back to dampen his socks for eternity.
2: [looks at old photo]
Papa you have no beard?Me: That was a long time ago, before Papa grew one.
4: [looks at same photo]
This before Mama had one, too?My wife:
Me: [sighs] 4 years. You had a good run, son.
*first date*
Her: I’m a criminologist.
Me, trying to impress: I have six bodies in my attic.
me: which suit should I wear
her: I like both
her: how did the interview go
me: he asked why I wear two suits
Apostrophes was the Greek god of confusing grammar.
My kid asked what fornicate meant and I panicked and said it meant to hold political office
*car isn’t exactly where I thought I parked it*
Someone stole my car.
I’m trying to beat the world record for most cat paintings done in one night. The current record holder is George W. Bush, who did 911.
You can get out of a TSA pat-down much faster if you keep whispering the word “slower” in the agent’s ear.
IAN: I broke my leg once
ME: I’ve never broken a bone, touch wood [touches wood]
Me: [2013] I don’t trust anyone I meet online
Me: [2018] last night I met someone on Twitter and we’re moving in together to become paranormal investigators
I accidentally dropped my ID as I was showing it to the cashier at the liquor store. I bent down to pick it up and I must have made one of those old people grunts you make when getting off the couch because he said, “you’re good” before I even got to show it to him.
Surgeon: I’ll be taking out your appendix today
Me: [stomach rumbles]
Surgeon: [puts stethoscope to my tummy]
Appendix: I have a boyfriend
pretending to have read books in a conversation: setting yourself up for embarrassment, corny, ontologically evil?
saying “oh yeah never read it but i’ve heard really good things”: yo who is this mysterious woman who hears things? her informational ecosystem seems lowkey robust?