client: i’m nervous
attorney: relax
prosecutor: the defendant is guilty
attorney: oh my god [looks at client]
client: what
attorney: you said you were innocent
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me: that teaching babies to eat airplanes will destroy us all. one day we’ll create a baby large enough to eat real airplanes and be unable to either destroy it, or explain the horror that sating it’s desire for num-nums would unleash
date: …neat. my greatest fear is spiders
I never sit around waiting for anyone except for the pizza delivery guy..him I’ll wait for
life is a continuous learning experience, so i can spend all my time not paying attention and drawing cartoons on notepaper just like school
At what point should you worry about your drinking?
I bet it’s before your kid builds a Lego brewery.
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Oh please, don’t leave me home with electricity & running water.
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For the record, riding my unicycle to the bank robbery was a terrible idea.
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*jingles half the way*
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me: *in the crow’s nest of a ship docking outside your house* when though
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My Son: I know, Dad. I know.
me: i should go to sleep
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my mom gave me a whistle in case you guys start giving me advice
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[spelling bee]
“Your word is stupid”
ME: Well give me a different one then
“No, that’s your word…stupid”
ME: Maybe you’re the stupid one
[the beeping to remind me to put on my seatbelt finally gives up]
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judas: hey man want to come out to last supper
jesus: what?
judas: regular supper, we’re having regular supper tonight, are you free