Cop – Have you been drinking?
Me – No, just taking my photo with R2D2 here.
Cop – Sir that’s a fire hydrant.
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“What do you know about atoms?”
“Very little.”
“Besides that.”
LIBRARIAN: yes over there
ME: do u have any books on time travel
please stop calling 911 when you see me dancing. i’m fine!
10: I think I want to run the 10k
Me: Girl, you don’t even want to chase down the ice cream truck
Cop: I pulled you over because your driving has been erratic
Me: oh, I think the guy in my trunk was trying to communicate with me via Morse code
Cop: what
Me: what
wtf is this choreography 😭😭😭
why are you, as a wallet company, giving away a $500 gift card? what am i gonna do? buy $500 worth of wallets?
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Brain: Alright don’t panic. Tell her she has beautiful hair. No wait tell her she has beautiful legs!
Me: Hi you have beautiful hairy legs.
Brain: My bad.
“This, too, shall pass,” I thought to myself after the dog swallowed a tube sock.
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Wife: How?!
M: Just help me.
W: Have you tried butter?
M: It’s delicious. Now will you help me?
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[flying to Vegas]
TSA agent: The metal detector is going crazy. Do you have any metal on you?Me: Just my lucky rabbit’s foot key chain, my lucky penny, my lucky bronzed four-leaf clover and my lucky horseshoe.
me: *whispering angrily against his lips* no it’s not ok
waiter: *whispers back* but have you ever actually tried Pepsi
A man tells his doctor he applied the haemorrhoid cream and got a nasty reaction.
“Where did you apply it?” asked the doctor.He replied: “On the bus.”
When a waiter doesn’t write down the order and someone in your group asks for no pickles and you know that’s going to be thing that wrecks it for everybody.
Waterboarding at Guantanamo Bay sounds super fun if you don’t know what either of those things are.
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You should walk a mile in my shoes but make a U-turn at the half mile mark because I’m gonna need those shoes back.
I had a dream about you. You were stupid there, too.
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