*Does one sit-up. Whispers to self.
“That’ll do pig. That’ll do.”
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after u do your laundry u should be allowed to get in the dryer and tumble for a little. no charge.
I get it laundry no one is doing me either
Don’t flatter yourself lady, I wasn’t winking at you. I was winking at that biscuit you’re eating.
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3: Can I have another cheese slice?
Me: Sure.
3: I won’t squish this one in a ball and put it under the cushion.
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Her: *drinking green smoothie* Try this. It’s all natural.
Me: Lava is all natural but you won’t see me drinking it.
Me: Want some trail mix?
Him: That’s just peanut butter m&m’s and some ibuprofen.
Me: It’s homemade.
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Then I eat them all by myself.
Screw those kids.
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I’m cool if it’s a burrito.
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Tonight I will make history!
Turns off incognito mode
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“Mmmm Brians”
– a dyslexic or gay zombie
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[family game night]
Me: do u understand now, grandma? U understand the rules now?
Mum [tappin my shoulder]: she gets it. Loosen the headlock
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Our linguistic evolution as humans never ceases to amaze me.