[doing a crossword]
friend: what’s a 9 letter word for phony
me: baby horse
friend: no like fake
me: unicorn jr
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The 6 types of sex
*Sucks spider up in vacuum*
*breaks a glass to vacuum up and finish him off*
My husband just got a new job so he got sent some COBRA forms in the mail.
Husband: We don’t actually need COBRA, though, my health insurance already started.
The principal (who is retiring next week) emailed us all to “remind” us that we aren’t supposed to show movies. There’s 7 days left. Who does she think she’s kidding
“Son, you can practice the sex on holes in trees”
[next day]
“Where you going with that broom handle?”
“Checkin for squirrels”
Got CPR and CCR confused. Ended up playing “Fortunate Son” on my boombox while watching a man die.
Just know that somebody out there is thinking of you, and you should really lock your doors.
Girlfriend is on her way over. Aaaaaaannd history deleted.
Me: You know when you borrowed my car, you left the seat back. I spent the entire day not able to drive right. I kept wondering if I shrunk or the car grew.
Son: can you just call and wish me good luck on my finals like a normal mom?
My house looks pristine, unless you have a can of luminol and a black light.
Based on a survey of yard signs in my neighborhood, it appears “Drive Like Your Kids Live Here” has a slight lead over both the Democratic and Republican candidates.
The sincerest form of flattery is having a robot from the future sent back in time to kill you. Imitation is a distant second.
You wanna take this outside bro? You sure bro? It’s awfully chilly bro. Hold on bro, let me grab my scarf.
My 3yo is heckling me about what YouTube search results appear when I type in her dictated search terms. I never anticipated this parenting moment.
People need to learn how to record their name on a voicemail system.
“You have one new voicemail from… *heavy breathing* Toooooooddddd”
A nice way to tell someone their breath stinks, “well I’m bored,let’s go brush our teeth” in mid convo
Wife: Where are you going?
Me: You can find me in da club shawty
Wife: You’re going to Taco Bell to get nachos, aren’t you?
Me: Yes
Attack today with a positive attitude. Absolutely destroy it with good vibes. Murder its family with hope.
My husband pissed me off so I went shopping for the afternoon, with all of our remotes.
Parenting is a mix of having no idea what your child is talking about and hoping to god they don’t start explaining it.
I’m not sure what my husband is planning on doing for me on Mother’s Day but I hope it’s laundry.
Me: [every single day for 18 months]
da da…say da da. Can you say dada? Say da daaa…daaaa daDaughter:
Me: shit
Daughter: shit
Obama: Get Air Force One ready.
Biden: OK! *runs off*
Obama: The plane, not the movie.
*Biden does 360*
Biden: Yeah I know.
wife [talking to her pregnant friend] No matter how old they get you always have to remind them to do the dumbest things
me *walks out of the bathroom*
wife: Did you wash your hands?
me *goes back in the bathroom*
[job interview]
“Tell me about yourself.”
I have a lot of experience.
“Great, can you elaborate?”
They’re bad experiences.
Food $200
Data $150
Rent $800
Candles $3,600
Utility $150
someone who is good at the economy please help me budget this. my family is dying
“We ran out of guacamole so I mashed up one of those worms from the tomato plants and put it on your burrito. It looked kinda the same.”