Drafting a lengthy preamble to a meeting I’m running helps to set the tone, provide context, and guarantee that I’m never asked to run a meeting again
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hey (with the intention of stealing your hoodie, your heart, and your fries)
Sex is like lasagna – there’s absolutely no reason for it to involve spinach in any form.
The best way to save money on dental floss is by having your dentist remove every second tooth so your toothbrush fits between the gaps, instead.
Tune in tomorrow for another secret the Illuminati don’t want you to know.
I don’t care what color or creed you are. Or what your religion is. Do not eat my work sandwich.
You know how your mom used to get mad and start counting? I think the Earth is at twwwoooo.
did you know that before the crowbar was invented,
crows used to drink at home….
[painting a model in the nude]
model: r u gonna be naked the whole time
toddler: How do you spell “Elmo”?
me: “E”
toddler: “E” like “elephant”
me: Very good! “L”
toddler: “L” like “elephant”
me: “M”
toddler: “M” like “elephant”
me: Shit
toddler: “Shit” like “elephant”
roman lesbians: *caesaring*
Day 3 of weight loss challenge: all my coworkers look like tacos. I do not understand how the meat remains in the shell as they walk around.
My son got very excited about all the toys he found when I cleaned behind the couch, I should have waited till Christmas morning to do that
I’m not super useful until I’ve had coffee, then I get jittery followed by a caffeine crash. At 11 I’m too hungry to think then I get post-lunch sleepies. By afternoon my brain is fried but for 25 minutes each day – I’m the best employee here and they’re lucky to have me.
COWORKER RECENTLY OUT OF THE HOSPITAL: i blew a tire on a mountain road and crashed thru the guardrail, rolling end over end down a cliff into a creek. i was trapped for hours upside-down & near death until a man walking his dog found me and called 911
ME: what kind of dog was it
Everything is about balance. A sombrero with strawberries on the one side and melons on the other, can and will cause you certain problems, I know this now
The most refreshing way to fight your personal demons is to make demonade.
Your kids paranoid there’s a monster under their bed? Have I got a holiday for you.
I hate it when my sock puppets fight. I don’t have a free hand to break them up.
5:32 pm “I don’t need a cart. I’m just picking up a few things.”
5:38 pm: Struggling to the self checkout with a watermelon, a 12-pack & a turkey balanced on a four-foot stack of Cap’n Crunch & Cheez Its.
a squirrel buries a nut in my backyard. I think im going to dig it up & replace it with a grilled cheese sandwich, blow its freaking mind!
Productive day sketching while waiting at the DMV.
Did it hurt? When you saw the candy you bought yesterday going half price
My husband helped me relax by going to the store for some gift bags for my son’s upcoming birthday. He just returned victorious and presented me with a bunch of brown paper lunch sacks.
You’ve taken 3 pregnancy tests this month.
“What’s your point”
My point is that your shoplifting is odd and out of control Eric.
Not that anybody asked, but the Irresistible Force beats the Immovable Object — every time.
Asteroid: Hmm…who should I hit on?
Earth: [puts on sexy dress and a come hither smile]
Political ads be like: send us money so we can send you more ads
“Lunchables” is a good name because it doesn’t make any grandiose claims: “This is able to be eaten as lunch.”
Before I was married people told me about date night but they never mentioned it just meant folding laundry together
Person: “I have a friend in a wheelchair, do you know him?”
Me [from my wheelchair]: “I have a friend who’s stupid, do you know him?”
My wife and I don’t often spend money on luxuries, but when we do, I’m glad it’s for something we can both enjoy like decorative pillows.