[Emergency Room]
MRS. PIÑATA: Will my husband make it, doc?
DOCTOR: We’ll do what we can but *slurping on sucker* he’s lost a lot of candy
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curly fries are my favorite as they’re salty and spiraling, like me.
I joined a poker tournament with a bunch of people who do origami. I’m gonna dominate, cause these guys always fold.
Hi, I’m Amanda and I stew on things that could’ve been handled in an hour for thirteen years.
I have mixed feelings about birthdays, the aging sucks but I do quite enjoy using the day to manipulate people into giving me things.
*drops cheese*
You: Five second rule!
Pet owners: lol
I hate it when I forget my password and the security questions make me relive my entire childhood.
I wish people would stop asking me if I’m on Twitter, clearly I’m not.
Sneezed so hard I think I pulled an ovary
“Subpar accommodations. One star.” – Oldest known TripAdvisor rating for Bethlehem.
Inside you are two wolves. One is dressed as your grandmother. The other is huffing & puffing & attempting to blow your house down.
Do I like to live dangerously?
I wrote this without my glasses on so what do you thick
What I say: No!
What my kids hear: There’s a really good chance if you keep asking.
“An apple a day takes Billion Dollars away” ~ Samsung
Before kids:
[Watching nature documentary]How do some animals just abandon their young like that??
After kids:
[Watching nature documentary][Takes notes]
I’m spending today at the third day of a three day antiques fair. I waited until the third day because I wanted the antiques to be as old as possible.
My boss: we’re gonna have to let you go
Me: *shouting over Slayer* why?
Can you put some pants on my voodoo doll & pop some money in the pocket please
-“I hear the Israeli PM isn’t too worried about that latest hack because..”
-“Please don’t”
-“…Benjamin’s Not on Yahoo”
-“I’m leaving you”
Cleared my browser’s history and cookies after having sex with my GF.
[Burger Lounge]
Server: Are you 27?
Server: I meant your order number, ma’am.
When I die, scatter me across my ex’s front lawn. Also, don’t cremate me.
*hannibal lecter’s shopping list*
fava beans
a nice chianti
After dinner the other husbands and I retire to the garage and silently take turns climbing my new ladder.
GIRLS: if your boyfriend lives in a jar with a few pieces of grass, a leaf and a little twig. Congrats, you’re dating a bug.
processed food was literally designed for you to eat. organic is just some crap they found on the ground somewhere
Watched a guy buy several single bananas at various stages of ripeness (instead of a bunch). Realized I was in the presence of genius.
If you didn’t bring enough cough syrup for everyone, maybe don’t drink it in front of us, Gary.
me: hi i’ve come to pick up my suit
tailor: ok what name is it
me: i dunno maybe trevor the tux or something
If I eat healthy today then I can have one piece of candy as a reward. If I eat unhealthy, then I can have the whole bag.
Mock anti-vaxxers all you want but they’ll never have to deal with their kids during those angsty teen years or go broke paying for their college.