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If my wife doesn’t win anything on this $1 scratch ticket, it’s going to go down as one of the worst anniversary gifts ever.
TREE: [sees christmas tree thru window] who dose he think he is. all dressed up. too good to be outside
ANOTHER TREE: be nice, he is dying
I hate it when people accuse me of lollygagging when i’m quite clearly dilly dallying.
°waldo at the gym° can’t none of y’all spot me
My husband told me I was beautiful for the first time tonight
Sure, he was drunk and using a Scooby Doo voice but I’ll take it
Kudos to Backstreet boys, they really did straight up make a song that lasted almost 5 minutes about the fact that they were back.
If there is an opportunity for me to put my pants on backwards in the dark, I take it every time. Apparently.
Ever woken up, kissed the person sleeping next to you and felt glad to be alive? I just did, so I won’t be catching this train again.
If a bear confronts you in the woods, make it go away by handing it a flyer for your boyfriend’s band’s show.
Me: sorry I get a little twitchy when people touch my feet
Podiatrist: *bleeding profusely from the nose* I see that
ME: *kisses my own forehead* good night
TEAM OF DOCTORS: *furiously scribbling notes* but how
i hate when people wait in the chat as u type… mf can i get some privacy??
Wait!! There’s a box??? 😂😝
The great thing about having pet insurance is that while our dachshund is at the vets, they’ve given us a courtesy poodle to hang out with.
Stop bragging about your workout pics. Do you see me post every box of donuts I eat.
Not too proud of the sounds I just made when a mouse popped out of a bag I grabbed in the garage.
#WarAgainstPorn because they’re having sex and we’re not. No porn for anyone until everyone’s having sex, ok?
customer: I want to buy a chameleon but I don’t see any
me: that’s how good they are
customer: the cage door is open
me: *looking around nervously* oh no
There’s no such thing as bad press.
Johnson & Johnson: Hold my Beer!
my main career goal atm is to find a big bag of money in the woods
[barbarians at the gate]
Me: I just need to let this song finish…
mountain lion attacks are on the rise. especially in california. be prepared!
[inventor of the mirror]
“That wall doesn’t look enough like me”
I googled my symptoms and it turns out I just need this election to be over.
They were testing a machine that calculates your age based on your reflexes. Turns out I am 140 years old.
On my way to Mordor
you nerds need anything?
[Blind date]
Him: Why didn’t you tell me you were in a wheelchair?
Me [from my wheelchair]: Why didn’t you tell me you could walk?
Do you have any candy? NEXT!
Do you have any candy? NEXT!
Do you have any candy? NEXT!~Me. Speed dating.
I used to think alcohol silenced the voices in my head until I realised it had just moved them to my mouth.
The best years of my life were ages 2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23, 29, and 31.
I was in my prime.