“fine! leave me because I talk like I’m in a novel but you aren’t taking the kids, he exclaimed”
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She had a LITTLE lamb?
No way! I watched Mary make six trips to the buffet.
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None of them work.
Huge if true.
her: did you wrestle in high school?
me: do my emotions count?
Goodnight room
Goodnight moon
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boss: have you been here all night?
me: [jumps awake at my desk] uh, yeah.
boss: trouble at home?
me: there’s a seagull standing on my car
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in college, i was the third-wheel so many times they called me The Tricycle
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It’s not too spicy I just don’t think I like the flavor.
-Rival Dads when something is definitely too spicy for them.
my grandpa: [watching me set up an email account] your password is 8 stars?
Voodoo map
I’m not leaving a will. My final act will be giving my family one more thing to fight about.
“And on the 7th day he rested”. Obviously God had not yet created laundry at that point.
Him: Can I have your number?
Me: *looks up from texting
I don’t have a phone.
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#AmazingFacts #Tuesday #RubbishJokes
Burn microwave popcorn in the lunch room to establish dominance.
[lying in bed after sex]
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“Ooh, you’ve caught the sun”
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