[first day as a beekeeper] my pockets really hurt
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“My advice? Don’t have children. They’re horrible soul-sucking fun-killing disappointing money pits with ZERO upside. Got it?”
“OK, Daddy.”
Me: *calls wife* hey, did you know that cats use their whiskers to see if they can fit through places
Wife: um yeah, is this why you’re calling me?
Me: haha no… i’m stuck in the chimney
My son kicked his soccer ball in to a rosebush & now I look like I got between Chester Cheetah & Tony the Tiger at a coke party.
The words, “Relax mom, it’s only glitter” is the biggest contradiction a mom can hear.
“Due to the economy, we are going to have to let one of you go.” – Me to my children.
Never ask a girl “How are you single?”
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My nephew asks so many questions that Alexa just told him it’s okay to bathe with the toaster.
I make her eyes roll back. Not in bed tho. I’m just annoying
i don’t want to know what five dentists think about a certain toothpaste, i want to know what they think about EVERYTHING. four out of five dentists recommend kierkegaard
“I enjoy long walks…”
[dies and goes to hell]
Satan: oh, there seems to have been a big mistake
Me: oh thank god-
Satan: you should be in super hell
Me: oh no
Me: can I start calling him 3.5 yet?
Wife: do you even know his name anymore?
Me: yes wife of course I know his name.
My uncle brought out a range of women’s nightwear that’s so ugly he’s being sued for gross negligées
Me: Who had two thumbs and just had a bandsaw accident? This guy
Doctor: Which Guy?
Words I heard most when I ran errands with my dad:
Wait in the truck
Me carrying around all the patience I have today x
I really want another child, but the idea of starting over with another pregnancy/infant feels like Katniss heading back into the arena.
Waiting for the websites to start offering pizza instead of just cookies.
If they made Dracula swallow a grenade would that kill him or is it still just a hard “only wooden stakes/the sun” rule
God: you’ll be man’s best friend
Cat: nah
God: wh-what
Cat: give the role to that guy *points at dog chasing its tail*
Dog: oh boy oh boy i won’t let you down i just love u so much! iloveuiloveuiloveu
God: ok you have a point
Dog, to cat: ilove-
Cat: *swats nose* no
Can I take your order?
Yeah, lemme get a McRib and a large Coke.
Sir, this is Wallgreens
OK, make it a bottle of Xanax, and some Pringles
Never heard of the diseases mani and pedi, but she says she needs a cure for them.
Bob the Builder: can we fix it?
Bob’s Wife’s Attorney: please just sign the papers, Robert.
Buddha: all life is suffering
Me: alright dude, chill out. they said your food would be out in ten minutes
{my first day as a football announcer}
wow those guys really want that coconut there must be a genie inside.
There’s a spider that’s been in the same place on my living room wall for an hour so he’s essentially also watching Shrek.
I love giving my roomba a little spoonfull of peanut butter and watching it work so hard it’s the cutest
satan: i am lord of the underworld.
me: Antarctica?
satan: no it’s much hotter.
me: (nods) Australia.