[First day working in forensics]
Boss: I need you to dust for prints.
Me: Doesn’t Prince have his own cleaner. And didn’t he die 4 years ago?
Boss: No, you moron. Dust for fingerprints.
Me: Oh right, yeah. My bad.
Boss: Then I need you to vacuum for Sting.
Me: Wait, what?!
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ME: I got you a therapy cat
ME: I wouldn’t yell around Roarschach
My wife gave me a hairband for my messy hair, and since morning twice I’ve tried to bring it down thinking they’re my reading glasses
Blacksmith *shoes a horse*
Swordsmith *forges a blade*
Aerosmith *gives a groupie gonorrhea*
I starting to think putting a lime in a coconut and drinking it all up isn’t even actual medical advice.
If by “living off the grid” you mean never giving retailers my correct email, then yeah, that’s totally me.
People should be able to call in healthy: “Look, I’m not coming into the office today. I feel really good and I don’t want to waste it on being at work “
I shaved my legs today and drew the hair back on. I don’t get it, eyebrow ladies, I don’t get it.
*Stays in interrogation room after being told I’m free to leave anytime*
-Y’all have excellent wifi here. Can I possibly get more coffee?
I hate talking about the weather with Canadians because I have to convert the temperature to Mooses per square Tim Hortons or whatever.
Getting escorted outta Panera for doing keg stands at the charged lemonade machine.
Why does Mommy always say no?
Well Son, if Mommy said yes all the time you’d have 20 more siblings.
You may not like the word “moist” but the alternative is “endampened” and I’ll not have endampened cake.
So to fix my shitty attention span I just need to read your list of ten different 400 page books on concentration…
[Andes’ plane crash survivors diary]
Day 1: Gary’s cheering us up telling jokes
Day 2: Same jokes
Day 4: We all hate Gary
Day 6: We ate Gary
I’ve found that I can usually judge how hot a woman is by how many times my girlfriend calls her a whore.
I’ve got so much respect for Jack White calling his song “seven nation army”, mentioning the seven nation army in the first line and then never saying another thing about them
If you really think about it, extraordinary isn’t that great. It’s just an extra helping of ordinary.
Shake what your momma gave ya!
*shakes old decorative wreath*
(pine needles and holly berries go everywhere)
a one man band getting kicked out of a zumba class
I haven’t given up on my fairy-tale ending. I still plan to be eaten by a wolf.
Considering the fact that I’m still working in people’s homes everyday, if the coronavirus hasn’t killed me in a week, nothing can kill me.
Except bullets.
Bullets and gravity.
Also poison.
Quarantine Day 21: Turns out I don’t hate my coworkers as much as I thought I did.
6: I’m done.
Me: you didn’t even touch your food!
6 pokes food w/finger *without breaking eye contact*
The Sass is strong with this one
Me: *gives a detailed explanation of the law based on 20 years of experience as an attorney*
Female client: My husband said the exact opposite of what you told me.
Me: Where did your husband go to law school?
Client: He didn’t.
Me: So you should probably just do what he says.
Hey girl are you a capri sun? Because i want to stab you.
Your baby’s got pink eye, bronchitis AND a double ear infection?
Are you even trying to keep him alive?
“You haven’t changed since college” isn’t necessarily a compliment, it could mean that you looked 40 when you were 20. Have a great day!
In a bad place rn, not mentally just flying over Birmingham
Microsoft Word just suggested that I change “you’re” to “you is” so yes, I am very very afraid of what the future of education holds.
In fifth grade, we were supposed to write a story about an antihero but I was only half-listening so I wrote a 6 page story about an ant who helped people quit smoking and my teacher sent me to the school psychologist.