*Food arrives*
*Waits 3 days*
*Slowly takes bite of food*
*Waitress appears from under the table in camouflage*
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– whenever we have company and are never remodeling
Venus and Serena are famous for being Tennis-y Williams
We have a cricket in our garage and every once a while, to keep him entertained, I go out and tell him corny dad jokes.
Then I wait.
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I’ve watched hardened criminals stare each other down on the prison yard but nothing comes close to two four year old girls walking past each other on Halloween sizing up each other’s costumes
Interviewer: Describe your current position.
Me [from my wheelchair]: Seated.
Saw a billboard that said “anxiety? Paranoia? It could be meth.” And it’s like oh my God I’ve been on meth this whole time.
[gazing into The mirror of Erised]
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Oh, my bad, it’s just her reaction to having to do a chore.
ME: i don’t trust salesmen
ME: oh shit where
SALESMAN: right over here isn’t she a beaut
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No, you can’t have candy for breakfast. Don’t be silly. Now be quiet and let me finish my peppermint mocha frappuccino.
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Going back to the 90’s.. You’ll want anything??
Dear Televised Sports Injury,
We saw it the first time.
me: do you have these but in the pretzel version
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Social distancing in Australia:
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BISON DAD: good bye, son.
BISON SON: thank you, dad.
we all have needs. I need my wife to go run errands so I can swipe the last cherry danish.
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“It’s a shirt, but look, it’s also a napkin!”
Mars rover quietly killing whatever life it finds.
I, for one, understand ingrown hairs. I too have seen the world and would like to go back to where I came from
Cat or sheep