furnishing my new place and can’t pick what dining table or chairs I want. All I know is that my nachosaurus is on the way and needs somewhere to stand.
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*looking at a stalactite*
ME: Man, look at that stalagmite!
GUIDE: —tite
ME: Right? Dope as hell.
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[drops phone in toilet]
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2022: omg, Idiocracy was an understatement
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Me: what makes you say that?
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-me, who lives alone.
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me: this is relatable as hell
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[lightning strike super close to our house]
5-year-old: Missed me.
😜😜 Happy Saturday folks ☕️☕️
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*Cleans glasses*
“Omg I have a cat?”
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[proposing to my Karate gf]
Me: So, will you marry me?
Her: I’m not sure….
Me: Dojo breakin’ my heart, LOL
Her: Now I’m sure it’s a no.
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me after noticing a slight change in someone’s energy towards me
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