Ghosts wear sheets because nobody’s scared of sleeping bags.
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I’m the kind of guy who brings his phone charger to the party.
Palm trees are beautiful but you wouldn’t want one on your team in a rap battle, they’re absolutely useless at throwing shade.
ME (watching Chopped): Don’t braise the cod in the camembert! You never serve fish with cheese!
ME (in my kitchen later, alone): Today, I plan to make a rehydrated ramen consommé using boiled water from the tap and the shrimp spices from this packet.
[car dealership]
ME: [not savvy] i need a new car SALESMAN: what kind
ME: car
SALESMAN: haha what kind of car
ME: [perspiring freely] new
i never would have bought this abandoned lighthouse if i knew that the city wouldn’t let me drop watermelons from the top
[on the club dancefloor]
DATE: *shouting over music* I LIKE A MAN WHO’S… COORDINATED
How many calories in a glass of white wine?
*45 minutes later*
How many calories in a bottle of white wine?
*releases swarm of killer wasps*
*wasps fly off harmlessly in all directions*
– Hmm… time for plan bee
i hate when someone rings my doorbell because then i have to drop whatever i’m doing to be silent and pretend i’m not home.
*makes breakfast for two
*eats both of them
My spouse wonders why I have a hard time visiting his parents for the whole weekend but it probably has a lot to do with the fact that I have to put a bra on before coffee
Its really disgusting how other white people dont even know about the plight of [quickly wikipedias “Who is having alot of plight 2012]
50,000 retweets and our professor will let us get our medical degrees without taking our finals! I want to be a pediatric heart surgeon, let’s goooooooo
Babies won’t eat food unless they think it’s an airplane because all humans are born believing they’re godzilla.
So important your wife knows you’re petting the dog when she hears you say “you’re getting a little chunky”
“Daddy, how do you spell Budweiser?”
“I’m drawing a picture of you for school.”
“Cool! It’s spelled G-A-T-O-R-A-D-E.”
I’d make a horrible movie murder victim.When I hear strange noises in the night I roll over and figure, eh, they’ll work themselves out.
Fun fact: On national donut day, offer the cop a donut, you won’t get a ticket.
Same with beer.. just not the one you’re drinking..
me: one big skeleton please
clerk: ma’am this is a McDonald’s
me: oh sorry. One big McSkeleton please
“If that isn’t doing it for you, just give it a little smack. On the bottom. Harder. Little harder. Almost there.”
– The waiter explaining to me how to get ketchup out of the bottle.
When ever a girl wears a shirt saying ‘I Woke Up Like This’ I resist the urge to say I’m sorry about that.
“There’s a lot to unpack here” is something I say when I don’t have the slightest understanding of what you just said.
I asked my wife if she thought alligators could get aids and she showed me all these studies on how their blood can be used to fight autoimmune diseases and then I didn’t have the heart to tell her I was just trying to make a Gatorade joke.
Sometimes you have to stop tweeting to have an alibi for ignoring texts.
saying “james?” to my mom when i open her car door so people think it’s an uber
[waking up after a night of drinking]
Age 21: did i make out with someone
Age 36: did i steal someone’s dog
Guess who just typed “the end” on his first manuscript! Yep, “the end” is the title of my debut novel. Only 49,998 words to go and I’ll be finished!
Did you know pigs have orgasms that last 30 minutes?
This is God thanking them for bacon.
My 6yo is upset with my wife and I and promised to never talk to us ever again because we were both ignoring her as she was talking to us. At 6AM. While we were both still sleeping.