GOD: Someone please shut those animals up!
ANGEL: Okay, you’re the boss. [kicks some dirt over them]
GOD: Hey where’d all the dinosaurs go?
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I feel tired and weak. Probably just getting older and nothing is wrong. Well, time to read the news
Yesterday I drove past a sperm bank that had gone out of business.
I guess that means no one came.
pros & cons of going out with me
pros: you’re not alone anymore
cons: me
He’s just not into EU
*bugs bunny*
bunny: stop bothering me
We should remove the warning labels from everything and let the stupidity problem take care of itself.
*aggressively puts Hello Kitty stickers on random Harley Davidsons*
Mum, that’s not a picture of Jesus
Sometimes I’ll go to a grocery store and rotate all of the Tide detergents 90 degrees and yell “THE TIDES HAVE TURNED!” until I’m kicked out
this is the kind of chaos i demand from a pharmacy
When I’m mad at my dog, I watch dog shows on Animal Planet and ignore him.
Body: I’m sooooooo tired
Jaws (1975): A shark is murdered on his vacation.
people who live alone should get one practice conversation before they have to speak out loud for the first time that day
guy: [drinking a coke]
me, hungover from a 3-day drug and alcohol-fueked bender: can’t believe he’s putting that garbage in his body
Happy 50% off black jellybeans day!
Tweet about drinking too much = 50 quick likes
Facebook about drinking too much = A phone call from my mom
Baby, turn it up so I can hear the captions better
Waiter: I see you glass is empty, would you like another one?
Dad: Why would I want two empty glasses?
Greg: “You’ve put Christmas decorations up?”
Ian: “I know it’s only November but-”
Greg: “We work in a morgue, Ian. A morgue.”
I just got a paper cut from a 108 yr old book so I’m sitting here waiting to turn into a vampire
*Making friends at the playground*
My 6yo: How old are you?
Other kid: I’m 13. What about you?
6yo: Oh I’m almost 13 – I’m 6.
My 4yo: *casually* I’m 15.
Fun bible fact: No records exist of Jesus’ life from age 12 to 30 because he was backpacking across Europe with his pet Pterodactyl
[trapped under avalanche of Tupperware that fell on me from kitchen cabinet]
*updates social media with selfie*
Bring food,
No weirdos.
I’m watching two crows fight over a toothbrush. Crows don’t even have teeth, it’s just capitalism making them want things they don’t need
Me: I love you
Husband: I love you, too
Me: Please remember that when you get the January Amex bill
Taking a buzzfeed quiz to see what buzzfeed quiz I am. Sweet! I got “Which buzzfeed quiz are you?”
Engineer: quick open up the coal gate, we need to vent the burner!
Me: *opens toothpaste* how is this supposed to help?
Engineer: The door on the coal burner you stupid fu-
[train explodes]
4: *hops in my lap* Mama, look at my picture!
Me: Love it
4: See green
M: Yep
4: And blue
M: Mmhm
4: And red
M: *flushes toilet* ok, hop up.
Window air conditioners are the camel of the appliance world.
You haven’t turned the A/C on in a month? It has rained 0.04″ in the past 2 weeks? Don’t worry, the A/C has planned for this and has stored up water to pour out onto your pants and the floor as soon as you remove it.