God: you’re a centipede.
Centipede: what does that mean?
God: you have 10 legs.
Centipede: that’s not enough legs.
God: how many do you want?
Centipede: 100 LEGS : )
God: ok but don’t tell Snake.
Snake: don’t tell me what?
Snake: guys don’t tell me what?
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under my floor boards
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Principal: Bob, you’re their Sex Ed teacher. These kids depend on you *slams fists on desk* SO WHY ARE YOU TELLING THEM COOTIES ARENT REAL
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GENIE: as u wish
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ME YESTERDAY: I am…I wanna say 32? Wait what year is it?
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1. Family
2. Lifelong Friends
3. Dogs that I met 3.5 seconds ago.
Clown Uber driver:
Get in! We have room for one more.
me: oh it’s so nice out I think I’ll wear shorts and a tank top
*5000000 mosquitoes like this post*
Being a dog must be wild, everyone you meet is your masseuse
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With the likelihood of insects being a big part of our future diets, it’s only a matter of time before McDonald’s servers are asking if we want flies with that.
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If you kill the question, what do you bury?
The question remains.
” i saw your ex”
A very unnecessary piece of information