Good Cop: step away from the ledge
Cat Cop [pushes person off] oops
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[laying in bed at 2am]
ME: hey siri do they still make grape nuts
SIRI: jesus christ go to sleep
If you live in a glass house you can’t hide getting stoned.
The repair guy is showing me broken parts from my dryer, and he might as well be showing my dog a wine list
Them: ‘Everyone you meet is fighting a battle you know nothing about.’
Twitter: actually, we know a little bit about it.
Me to my 6yo: Hey Buddy, whatchya doing?
6yo: None of your business.
Me: You came out of my business.
Me: *nudges wife* Hey, are you sleeping?
Wife: *pumps shotgun*
Just ONCE, I’d like took deep into your beautiful eyes, and make hot sweet love with you without some pop-up window ruining the mood.
doctor: can you describe the pain?
me: i have a knife sticking into me
doctor: so is it a dull or sharp pain
me: sharp
doctor: like a knife?
me: yes, exactly that
doctor: *proudly* its my first day
I just fell flat on my face outside and made a reverse snow angel trying to get up
My class teacher once said “Write and Practice.” Turns out she was right. I practiced on my desk just before I started my exam and it worked
“son, I’ve had to throw my golf socks out”
“Why dad? cos you got… A HOLE IN ONE? HAHA”
“No son. I killed a man. They’re covered in blood”
Wow, what a moving acceptance speech from John Lithgow:
My 10 y/o daughter checked my wife’s Fitbit and she “didn’t move enough last night to be Santa Claus” and I still don’t have a “real beard” so it appears the old man will be back next year.
The plan was to keep eating these alcoholic chocolates until I was either drunk or diabetic. I didn’t bargain on “bankrupt” being an option.
I don’t want to sound like an alarmist but
Wooooop Wooooop
Booloo Booloo Booloo
Beeep Beeep Beeep Beeep
Bro,I seriously locked myself outta my jeep.
He was driving a top-less jeep with the windows down.
“Sandwich artist” is a bit pretentious sir when you’re actually a subcontractor.
I get that the mirror in my therapist’s office is symbolic for self-reflection.
But why is it on the ceiling?
And why is his couch a water bed?
WISE MAN #1: I brought gold for the babe
WISE MAN #2: frankincense
WISE MAN #3: myrrh
ME: *pulls out Chili’s gift card* I hate you guys
I love picking out my wife’s panties except this isn’t my house and now some dudes are yelling for me to come downstairs with my hands up
I poured some root beer in a square glass and now it’s just beer.
My baby girl turns 2 today and I’m so glad I bought her all these presents so she can play with the empty boxes and wrapping paper
Me: so every time I work out I reward myself with a cookie
Them: isn’t that kind of defeating the…
Me, 20’s & 30’s: I can’t remember anything about last night.
Friends: You had a good time, then!
Me, 40’s: I can’t remember anything about last night.
Friends: You need to see a neurologist.
I’m a confident person until I try to open a plastic produce bag. Then I look like a toddler trying to put a shirt on.
My parents didn’t raise me to be rude, I had to practice
I’m not a shout it from the rooftops kind of person, but I’ll write it on a post-it and leave it lying around for people to see.
I have this awesome app that shows me what I would look like as a fat person. It’s called Camera.
Made the mistake of dropping my pants when my dentist put on latex gloves.