Hear me out: WrestleVania
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Think you’re smart? Try explaining daylight savings time to a kid.
A guy on TV opened a bag of chips and my dog came running into the living room thinking it was me so now she’s playing with a ball she found and is acting like that’s what she wanted all along
Is #GoHomeIndianMedia really trending? Can we respond with #NoPleaseYouKeepThem or #OkFineWhereElseCanWeSendThem
I’m going start wearing a cape instead of headphones to deter people from talking to me.
[Weights bench at the gym]
ME: …327…328…329…
PERSONAL TRAINER: Can you please stop counting ceiling tiles and do some exercise
You can catch a lot of flies with honey, but you can catch more honeys by being fly
My girlfriend broke up with me because I kept saying “it’s a-me” before introducing myself to people
me: woah real life russian dolls
midwife: get out
Who called it a “Brazilian wax” and not “another way to skin the cat?
Adult trick-or-treating: One house gives chocolate, the next gives wine, and the last tells me how to stop killing my plants.
[product design]
CEO: I want our dry grocery items to have built-in Ziploc closures
me: OK should they be easy to open?
CEO: absolutely not
ME: *reading menu* how’s the chicken parm?
MANAGER: *glares at Tony*
TONY: it’s exquisite
Strawberry is a terrible name. “Ooh, a berry with all the flavor of a straw,” you’d think. But you’d be wrong
*getting murdered*
wait stop moving. im trying to get the dog filter on both of us
GF and I went to see Dark Knight Rises our 9th date. Dates can be summarised dinner dinner dinner dinner dinner dinner dinner dinner Batman.
How do you milk an almond?
Psychology says:
People will believe everything written after “psychology says.”
“They call me Mr Six Hours,” I told her, trying to make it sound like a sex thing not the amount of time my head was stuck in a beehive for
doctor: have you thought about the diva cup?
me: listen i’m good but i don’t know that i could compete with other divas
After speaking with the psychiatrist, I’ve learned that “hungry” is in fact NOT an emotion. So I’m in the market for a new psychiatrist.
[first date]
HER: So do you prefer cats or dogs?
ME: *scanning the menu* I don’t even see them on here. What page are you on?
I’ve had so much cough medicine and this has me in tears
ME: I swear to god I will burn this place to the ground. I can’t take this anymore. I am done. DONE.
CUSTOMER SERVICE REP: sir thank you for holding, it’s just going to be another minute
ME: sure of course no problem
last night the host of the halloween costume party I attended got ziploc bags out at 10pm sharp, told everyone to take food and go home. 100/10 no notes
Historical fact: The term “bro” originated over a hundred million years ago and was short for brontosaurus.
My kid just tried to win an argument with “Because I said so” and I had to break it to him that only parents get to win by saying that.
It’s not truly a junk drawer until you have a bag of rubber bands, keys that fit no lock in your house, instructions for things you no longer own, a half-used tube of super glue, pens with questionable utility, and at least five likely dead AA batteries.
Cop: Lets go, boys, no meth in this house.
*zoom to fish tank*
Fish 1: *nods*
Fish 2: [taps on pirate ship] Resume cooking, Lenny.
I often worry about the safety of my children … Especially the one who is still awake at midnight and talking back right now.