Her: I need a funnel
Me: well that narrows it down
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Cannibals don’t drink coffee.
They have a cup of Joe instead.
No animal is more conniving and deceptive than Guinea Pigs, whom are neither pigs or from Guinea.
“Wow, that’s great!”
~ Me, not paying attention, and hoping you didn’t just tell me your Grandma died.
Mom of newborn: They say the crying gets better after seven weeks.
Newborn: *cries*
Me: *cries better*
ME: [plucking chicken] Who lets their eyebrows get this bad?
After I mow my lawn, I give my neighbor about 72 hours to respond.
lowe’s manager: so…you want a job. what department should I assign you to?
me: hmm…how about the mirror aisle? I can see myself working there.
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Me: Yes, I’d like the one by the mall, please.
will i understand 28 days later if i haven’t first seen 28 days
Spider-Man has a special plate onto which he can put down his felafel and hummus sandwich. It’s a pita parker.
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Obama: Please don’t talk to me until I’ve had my morning cup of Joe.
Joe: no please no more.
Obama: shut up Joe. *takes a sip of Joe*
Why is there so much day left at the end of my patience
If you upload these, I hope you enjoy hell.
3 yr old: “At my next birthday will I go back to normal? Will I get littler again?”
Me: “no honey. Each birthday you get bigger. You’ll continue to grow. Isn’t that cool?!”
3 yr old: starts sobbing.
I bought a container of ice cream and it had a screw on lid. Nobody needs that kind of negativity in their life.
remember when the fbi would threaten you at the beginning of every vhs tape, that was pretty cool
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So cute how this taxi driver is taking an unnecessarily long route and driving slowly so he gets to spend more time with me.
the noise i just made
My wife is pretty excited about going away this weekend so I’m not sure she knows I’m coming with her.
Once I saved 10 kittens from a burning building and yes all the people died but look how cute they are
WIFE: Wanna split the last slice of pizza?
ME: Nah, you take it
KING SOLOMON (entering dramatically): You, sir, are the pizza’s real mother
Sorry I use grammar, punctuation and complete sentences. I was raised in a wealthy home where we wasted characters without a second thought.
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GIRLFRIEND: If you’re asked to say grace at Thanksgiving again this year, what do you say?
ME: Thank you Lord for the food we are about to receive.
HER: And what do you not say?
ME: *sigh* Wham bam thank you yams.
[I just learned that different colors of the heart emoji mean different things]