Her (seductively): Anything special you want tonight for your birthday?
Me: You know what I like in bed, baby.
Me: *winks*
Her: *leaves the ceiling fan on*
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Welcome to Insomnia Club. God dammit Bob. BOB. Steve wake Bob up. Steve?
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This morning my 4yo made up the best joke I’ve ever heard???
“What do you call a carriage pulled by snakes?”
“A hiss-drawn carriage”
So apparently not every chubby guy with a mustache is named Mario. My bad, dad.
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Me: But I’m literally printing black text – there’s no red in it
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that will bring us back to dough
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[opens GPS voice command]
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MENSA should be calling me any minute, apparently.
To err is human; to Air Bud is dog!!!!
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The cynicism of those who urge me not to do what I can to help the Nigerian royal family.
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[Entomologist Meeting]
Guy 1: We found a new, wingless bug. Name ideas?
Guy who named the fly: A crawl?
G 1: Shut your goddamn mouth Todd
BOSS: We need to improve morale
ME: Okay
BOSS: How about an office party?
ME: [crosses out “replace coworkers with puppies”] I guess
Me: Please don’t talk to me until I’ve had my coffee.
You: Would you like some coffee?
Me: No.
It’s true. Parents that use drugs, have kids that use drugs. So, there’s an important lesson here…
Don’t have kids.
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me: oh good what is it.
ferris wheel technician: you put the wheel on sideways.
me: haha whoops.
[paying the check at dinner]
ME: how much should I tip her?
tornados are just a bunch of ghosts fighting over a cow.
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