Her: so yesterday, I was sweeping—
Me: must be the season of the witch LMAO
Her: ugh that is IT *turns me into a newt*
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7: [eating a bunch]
7: I’m going thru a gross spurt.
me: that’s a good way to put it.
Imagine a bunch of Italian mobsters tiptoeing and trying not to giggle as they gingerly place a horse head in bed with a sleeping guy.
[ restaurant ]
him: how long for a table
me: about 8 feet
him: no the wait
me: ah, 90 lbs
Last day of lockdown: I’m going to miss sitting around doing nothing
First day back in work: *sitting around doing nothing
Imagining if Mario was actually your plumber. Jumping all over the place. Throwing fireballs at your cabinets and shit. Becoming briefly invincible. Just a really negative home visit
safety message: make your coffee before assisting others with their coffee
One of my favorite parts of grocery shopping is when somebody else does it for me.
[ first day in retail]
me: can i help you find something
customer: im just window shopping
me: we don’t sell those
Jane Austen is short for Jane Stonecoldsteve Austen.
I went to church today just to thank God I’m not Miley Cyrus.
My son doesn’t like when I participate in his slang world lol!
So Mother Theresa puts a dish towel on her head and she’s a “saint” but when I put a dish towel on MY head I’m “drunk in the kitchen again?”
Damn you, Autocorrect !
Why do you keep changing a word
into something that makes no sense ?You are the banner of my existence.
me: one big skeleton please
clerk: ma’am this is a McDonald’s
me: oh sorry. One big McSkeleton please
Nothing is more confusing than a perfume commercial.
My tall sister took the vodka out of the cupboards above the fridge.
I always thought those doors were just there for decoration.
The problem with Quotes on #Twitter is that… it is so difficult to tell if they are Genuine – William Shakespeare
Was heating holiday leftovers and I accidentally dropped the plate. As we both stared at the carrots all over the floor my daughter announced “I guess the universe wants me to eat less vegetables.”
*eats an entire pant leg of cookies*
Someone called me “unhinged,” and I have never felt more understood
I want an app for each website I visit. And I want all of them to have loud videos that play automatically. This is my ideal user experience
FBI Agent: You’re accused of attempting to hijack a Mentos truck & drive it into a Diet Coke bottling plant
Me: …
FBI: …I kind of want to see that
To the goth guy in my college dining hall who always ate waffles: I’m sorry I only knew you as “Waffle Goth.” You were surely more complex.
I’m at the age where any time my mom asks if I remember so-and-so from high school, the news is never good
me: are we there yet? are we there yet? are we there yet?
cop: if you don’t shut up I’ll turn this car around and none of us are going to jail
Whoever has my voodoo doll, please pull it’s hand out of its pants.
*first time fishing*
Me: Ok now what
Friend: See that hook? You’re aiming to get that in the mouth
Me: orkay nrow wrhat
me: how do i get a girl to like me
dad: treat her like she’s the only one in the room
{ later at party }
man: does anyone know cpr?! this woman is DYING
me: [steps over them] hello, beautiful
Taking my dog out in below zero weather brings one thought to mind. I should have gotten a cat.
let’s hit the petting zoo and find out which animals are ticklish