“I don’t think we should see each other anymore.”
*turns off lights*
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me: I liked your memoir. Not sure why it ended with a recipe though
food blogger:
I’d remove my mittens to text you back, baby
-Canadians flirting
My medical bracelet just says “Call 911” because people are idiots
Therapist: Ok *sigh*, what is it this week?
Me: Same issue. I just can’t get past the breakup. It still seems surreal.
Therapist: Look, we’ve been over this repeatedly. Yugoslavia is not getting back together
“Please be aware that we are experiencing higher than average call volume”
Agent: Hello
Me (whispering): hello
Delete the phrase “it goes without saying.” Nothing goes without saying people are idiots
Him: Are u free later?
Me: No I’m expensive all the time
Where there’s a will, there’s a greedy bastard hoping you die.
My Quarantine Routine:
8:30 get woken up by dogs
8:40 let dogs out
8:52 let dogs in
11:51 let dogs out
12:20 let dogs in
4:47 let dogs out
4:59 let dogs in
7:14 let dogs out
7:38 let dogs in
8:16 let dogs out
8:18 let dogs in
10:20 let dogs out
10:25 let dogs in
Doctor’s office: You’re overdue for a physical.
Me: Ok.
Dr: We recommend you getting one as soon as possible.
Me: Do I have to?
Dr: You really should get one ASAP.
Me: Ok. Fine. Schedule me for one.
Dr: The earliest appointment we have is 6 months from now.
Today is the day I go back to the gym.
Tomorrow is when I stop telling lies.
Tried to challenge the guy in the stall next to me to a thumb war, now he’s holding my hand & crying about his childhood.
I need to wipe.
When my wife says “oh hi it’s nice to meet you” to my coworkers it’s code for I know all the jerk things you’ve done
“Why don’t you have kids yet?” is a great question, ma’am, but I’m saving that conversation for the right total stranger at this gym.
The truth will set you free.*
*In the middle lane of Interstate 25 during rush hour.
I painted today
Everyone complimented me on my turtle
It was a bird, I painted a bird
Just had a cardio workout peeling an orange.
Cheeseburgers don’t make you work to eat them.
There’s an important lesson here.
I forgot the term “stylist” so I said “exterior decorator.”
Me (looking up at the clock): Oh no, boys and girls we were working so hard we missed recess! I’m so sorry that I forgot.
6yo: (patting my arm) That’s ok, I think that happens when you start to get older.
Ok I’m going to read my question six more times to try to understand your answer
-reading my manager’s reply
[Walking around park with kid]
Daughter: Daddy, why is grass green?
Me: Because God wants to remind me every place I go I have no money
Honesty is the best policy, unless you’re trying to return something that you’ve already worn.
Suggested movie theater prices: Adults – $9.00, Under 12 – $ 6.00, Under 3 – $249.00
me: i can’t remember my password
my brain: how about an embarrassing memory
[Zoom meeting with boss while working from home]
Boss: I need you to finish your projec-
[4 kids run by me. One is on fire, one is naked, 2 are in ski masks]
Boss: Never mind
You wanna do stuff with toys in bed? Let’s do it; I’ve already got like 3 hot wheels cars and a Barbie in there right now, so….
I just left a pregnancy test box in my brother’s bathroom to mess with him and his new girlfriend.
Me, homeschooling:
If a train leaves the west coast at 7:00am traveling 60 mph and one leaves the east coast at 9:00am traveling 45 mph then what time will I get drunk and drop kick my neighbors garden gnome?
Gonna say don’t look a gift horse in any orifice
[at the club]
Me: …everyone seemed to be just fine with Superman wearing red knee high boots
Her: Just take them off