I got a 20% pay rise this year. Not from my employer; they couldn’t afford to give pay rises after the big bosses got their bonuses. I just stopped doing any work on the one day a week I work from home.
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Wife: pick a Christmas movie to watch.
Me: Lord of the Rings.
Wife: that’s not a Christmas movie.
Me: then why does it have elves?
Me: plus Gandalf looks like Low Carb Santa.
Date: Your eyes look beautiful in the moon’s light.
Me: Awww.
Date: *leans in for a kiss*
Me: The moon doesn’t make light, stupid.
It could be worse. Those could be the two guys running for president
In English, a double negative forms a positive. in some languages, like Russian, a double negative is still a negative. In no language in the world can a double positive form a negative.
yeah…. right…
Of all of the profound disappointments that I have faced in my life, be they personal or professional, none is more firmly fixed in my mind, nor more likely to have caused my deeply-rooted trust issues, than the discovery at age four that Play-Doh doesn’t taste the way it smells.
I tell people that the secret ingredient
in my cookies is “love” but it’s actually “floor” .
me at a party:
*attempts to calculate the socially acceptable amount of time before going back to graze on the spread*
*repeat for duration of party*
*make sure to stop by the food one last time before saying goodnight to all*
*go back once more*
*attaches note to pigeon
*stuffs pigeon into envelope
CNN needs to reevaluate the use of Breaking News. Perhaps “Latest Speculative News” or “We Really Don’t Know Shit” would work.
CNN call me.
Apparently my 6yo old son went to school with a Spiderman costume under his clothes. The students of Edison elementary are safe today
“Britney Spears” implies the existence of a “Britney Swords”, who probably has less attack speed and range but more well-rounded damage output potential
Me: When you hear hoof beats, think horses not zebr —[trampled by herd of bison]
I think God created marriage so death wouldn’t come as such a disappointment.
She was murdered by the toddler. In the bathroom. With his hundredth question.
-Parent version of Clue
one time i asked the guy i was dating at the time if he would still love me if i was a worm and he said ‘no but i would build u a terrarium and make sure ur safe and also so u could see the girl i date after :)’ and it caused a huge fight lol
Me, at the intervention: “Ah look, all the reasons I drink gathered in one place.”
The real monsters are the people who hand you money with the bills not all facing in the same direction.
[show about dog training]
Narrator: a yellow ribbon on her leash indicates she is not to be socialized with
Me: where can i get one of those
Stood in front of a dollar store and waited way too long for the *automatic* door to open before I realized my mistake.
Then I did it again on my way out. I can never go back there.
Of course my husband went into sales. He told his drill sergeant at basic training he was allergic to fish because he didn’t like fish and got a sandwich made for him. IN THE ARMY.
“Recalculating. Recalculating.”
– My GPS after I get distracted following an SUV with a dog in the back
(At a funeral)
Im so sorry for your loss. I know how it feels to lose something you love. Last year Taylor Swift took her music off Spotify.
One of my favorite parts of grocery shopping is when somebody else does it for me.
If you’re ever lost in the woods and have a compass, the compass can help you be lost more north.
“TURN DOWN FOR WHAT” my ears, fella…my ears.
My mom, to me as a kid: You’d probably never bathe if you could get away with it.
Me now, in quarantine: She was right on the money with that one.
Me: *hears a stealthy footstep in the hallway*
Me: “This is your third time up. Go back to bed.”
7yo: *frantically* “Wait — wait Daddy –”
Me: “Whatever it is, tell me in the morning.”
7yo: *gasp* “IfYouWereADolphinYou’dBeDeadAlready
I wrote “except zombies” on my welcome mat so I know I’ll be safe during a zombie apocalypse.
I’m hiring a motivational speaker for my lazy eye.
My 3 year old is helping me make crepes this morning. So far in the mixing bowl there are 2 eggs, 1 cup of flour and 1 measuring cup.