I open my wallet and an accordion of pictures fall out but they’re all of me holding loaves of bread like a fish I caught.
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“yer a magician, harry” hagrid said to hary houdini when he graduted magic academy
“Sugar we’re going down swinging” used to be a cool song. Now it’s what happens when I bend over, braless, to pick up a floor doughnut.
I ate an entire box of delicious Triscuit crackers, and 8 hours later gave birth to a wicker chair.
My dad loves telling the story of when I was young I asked ”when is someone going to die, so I can move from the kids’ table?”
my favourite word in the dictionary is ratio because it’s under rated
[God making peaches]
ANGEL: we already have nectarines
GOD: [taking bong rip] lmao, put hair on them
ANGEL: what
GOD: what
Sadly, at 8:11 PM Mark Jones was mispronounced dead.
[at hospital]
Doctor: I’m afraid this man has deed. Am I saying that right? He’s deed.
The sadiator games of ancient Rome were deemed too much of a bummer by the emperor and were replaced with the more popular gladiator games.
Me watching recorded TV shows
my friend told me on first dates i should just “be myself” and “be confident” and i was like “ok but which one?”
A new survey shows that most Canadians aren’t looking to return to the office full-time. Just a thought, have you guys tried putting a bed in there?
Making a Jurassic Park movie about a guy who went the day before the dinosaurs broke out and is trying to be sensitive about it but also really wants to show you his pictures.
Left at a local drug store…
I thought it was impossible to do 450 push ups in a minute until I discovered lying
HER: my water broke
ME: [looking at my ice cream scoop on the ground] we all have our issues
“I’m disguising all my tweets as Marilyn Monroe quotes from now on.”
-Marilyn Monroe
I think that’s enough internet for one day…
It’s a real shame Friday doesn’t come as quick as I do
I’m seriously considering taking up falconry. Someone pisses me off? BAM! Falcon, right in the face.
Going to put a sensor in the kitchen sink so whenever someone puts something in there a recording of my voice will shout DISHWASHER!
8yo: I feel like you’re always making up rules and stuff
Me: like what?
8yo: like if we don’t pick up our room a portal will open and take us to another dimension
Me: well that’s what happened to your older brother
8yo: what older brother?
Me: exactly!
ME: do you like it better when I part it down the middle or when I tease it out with styling mousse
HER: how about we just shave your back instead
DAD: Look at this mess! Are you trying to attract ants?
ME: [bench pressing 10x my weight] Did they say something?
Me: I don’t mean to overstep but I would be a great hire.
Employer: In that case the Ministry of Silly Walks is not for you.
Me *goose step, tippy toe, barrel roll out the door*: Best of luck!
Employer *high kick, sashay to trashcan with resume*: Damn shame.
I got my superpowers when I was bitten by a radioactive idiot.
[Doctor’s office]
Doctor: “OK. I have something to tell you. I think you should probably sit down”
Me: “No thanks. I’ll stand. What‘s up?”
*I get mauled by a tiger that was hiding under his desk
Doctor: “I wanted to tell you my pet tiger gets nervous when people are standing”
me: i’m just gonna switch the big light on for 1 minu-
british gas:
If I lived in a small town where no one locked their doors I’d have an alligator moat
Can’t afford a cat? Duct tape 3 squirrels together, next question
Me: I picked out a pricy rock I think you’ll like
Her: You mean you’re finally going to propose to me?
M: I was talking about your headstone