I played Dodgeball…
I got Bullied….
I ate Gluten…
I didn’t get Participation Trophies…
I turned out fine…
So will your kid…
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Nice injury you got there. Be a real shame if someone added insult to it.
Love bombing?
I’ve never even been love water ballooned
[creating the armadillo]
GOD: I want a half turtle,
G: Half pig,
A: Okay, I’m on it-
G: Half anteater
A: …Are u drunk
G: Very
*mops up wine with cat*
“Dave, come check this out! The squirrel in that tree hasn’t moved in like three hours. It’s freakin’ weird.”
Auto correct changed “you all” to “y’all” and now I end all my sentences “bless their heart.“
One hamburger please
CHICK-FIL-A: Sorry we only serve chicken here
*comes back wearing a chicken costume*
One hamburger please
Welcome to adulthood.
You have a favorite brand of pain reliever now.
I wear a mask because I like to leave something to the imagination.
My daughter is begging to get her ears pierced and promised she’d “still” listen to me even with holes in her ears.
When a cop gives you a ticket for speeding he won’t be impressed when you tell him “I do this all the time.”
I know this now.
If you’ve ever wanted to reconnect with people you haven’t seen in ages, take a quick trip to the grocery store looking like complete shit.
Pretty certain that wife and I would win the gold in the Olympic event of rage loading the dishwasher
If something rolls off of my plate… I eat it first, as punishment for trying to run away.
[someone attempts to speak to me]
ME: *to self, but at a completely audible volume* okay, remember your training
Her: undress me with your words
Me: ummm… There’s a spider in your panties?
My 11yo just asked me if I was gonna be a “single Pringle” forever and I’m laughing so hard I can’t even be mad.
*hears Christmas carolers*
Alexa, turn the sprinklers on.
My daughter cuddled into me and said she loves me, which I thought was really cute until I realised she was stealing my muffin
I may not be the brightest crayon in the tool shed but at least I’m great at analogies.
Friend: Have you been using that gym membership card I gave you for Christmas?
Me: All the time! Just this morning I used it to scrape ice off my windows and yesterday I used it to cut a cake.
Week three of my new job, they’re all cunts.
There’s a weekly team call at 9am every Monday, what’s wrong with these people???
I love to use my 6-foot wide umbrella at eye height on a crowded path.
Punched myself in the eye trying to pull on my skinny jeans again
Her: Who was your first love?
Me: Debbie.
H: What was she like?
M: She was little.
H: Are you talking about snacks?
M: [mouth full] Maybe.
Replying to peoples selfies with the phone number to a dermatologist is not OK.
I’ll stop now.
It’s a painting of dogs playing poker because cats would’ve just knocked all the cards off the table.
In Harry Potter, a scar on your forehead means you’re a hero. In real life, a scar on your forehead means you got drunk & lack coordination.
The Internet makes things so convenient. Before it existed, if you wanted to order a DVD online, you had to invent the Internet.
I’m really worried Justin Timberlake is going to have me naked by the end of this song.