i told my roommate i was going on a date tonight, and he goes “let me see what you’re working with” so i did a pose 💅🏽
and he says “not you, the guy” 😭😭
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Me: I have a PhD in mathematics
Flight attendant: one passenger is having a heart attack and one passenger is having an asthma attack
Me: *nodding* that makes two
my son is also my best friend (huge mix up at the adoption agency)
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Hot housemate: I miss my boyfriend
Me: The doctor?
Her: He never comes over anymore
Me *smiling at my room full of apples* yeah it’s so weird
guys, i almost wrote an inspirational tweet what is happening
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[Car at red lights]
ME *starts fiddling with the radio*HOT WOMAN: *pulls up alongside me*
ME: *slowly lowers the fiddle*
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Hell hath no fury like a toddler who sees you eating the chicken nuggets he said he didn’t want
Every day I ask myself deep existential questions like, “If I were me, where would I park the car?”
My second child was so overdue, when we left the hospital we dropped her off at kindergaten.
My toddler was babbling a mile a minute first thing this morning and my 4yo said, ‘I’m going to need pancakes if I’m going to listen to you,’ so he’s my stress management coach now.
My husband was just looking at me like I’m some kind of super hero and all I said was, “yes, we do have onion for the burgers.”.
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1 kid: Makes you a mom.
2 kids: Makes you a maid.
3 kids: Makes you a manager.
4 (or more) kids: Makes you a magical freaking unicorn.
Playing a game with my kid where she draws a picture and I have one chance to guess what it is and if I’m wrong, everyone’s day is ruined.
When you want to key his car, but he doesn’t have one, so you bend his bus pass.
Website: You can’t use your last 5 passwords
Me: Stop flexing that you have a better memory than I have.
“I want her skin.”
-Serial killers and teenage girls
A telemarketer called and said,”can I speak with the man of the house.” I replied, “sure” and gave the phone to the cat.
I haven’t broken a mirror lately, but my water broke and I’ve had seven years of kids crawling into my bed