If you are thinking about becoming a parent, you should know that my son has decided he likes dipping his fries in ketchup and then MILK
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Funny how in old video games you could just eat a whole turkey or a pizza you found on the street and it would make you better but my doctor specifically told me I had to stop doing that so who’s telling the truth
You call that an apology? I’ll show you an apology!
Canadian Oneupmanship
my answer to the age old ‘trolley problem’ ? I would simply also lay down on the tracks.
To all the people who blocked me and can see my tweets I want to say that making your own chicken, beef, and seafood stock is a rewarding experience. They can be used for more than bases for soups but as a flavor booster in many recipes and can take your cooking to another level
ME: i’d like a Big Bacon Classic, Chili Cheese Fries, and Coke
CASHIER: sir, this is a Wendy’s
CASHIER: sorry it’s just a reflex, we get a lot of weirdos here
my lawyer: “if you think of anything important write it down and pass it to me”
me: “ok”
[in court]
me: [passes him note]
my lawyer: “your honor the defense requests a 5 minute recess”
HER: It’s a gender reveal party.
ME: To tell the sex of the baby.
HER: You have to stop calling it a sex party.
what if cobwebs were delicious?
– cotton candy inventor
[ gets death tarot card ]
me: i’ve heard it’s really not that bad
blackjack dealer: seems kinda bad
Overheard on the bus:
“Stop eavesdropping on our conversation, it’s creepy and you won’t get any funny tweets out of it”
3: mommy! Come look, I made a water fall
Me: oh dear god
Me: I’ve learned so much from my mistakes.
Also me: Let’s make a few more
That’s commitment
Take your age and add 5 years to it.
That is your age in 5 years.
When you’re a tall person in a hotel shower
Not only do I turn down my radio to find a house or a parking spot, but I also take off my sunglasses to hear someone better.
Hobbies include:
1. Crying about the past
2. Procrastinating in the present
3. Worrying about the future
What if Creature From the Black Lagoon’s real name was Gary and “Creature” was just a mean nickname he got in middle school
I am officially lowering my dating standards to include anyone who may have access to a swimming pool. I will learn to love you. Call me.
“Do you have at least 15 tattoos?” – final question at interview to work in a kitchen in 2013
Went to cancel a streaming service that was $10.99 a month and they were like “Lol ok you got us how about $2.99?”
Going to spend tomorrow cancelthreatening every service in my life.
Saw a sticker that said “my son was an honor student”. I almost got sad, but then I thought maybe he’s not dead, maybe he’s just stupid now
My neighbor’s cat got into the booth with me when I was testing my teleportation device and now there’s cat hair all over my genes.
Door goes
Him: hello love is your mam or dad home?
Me: eh?
Them: I’m just going round the doors talking to people about the local election
Me: …
Him: are they in?
Me: nah sorry they’re not
*as I close the door* cos I’m 35 and they don’t live here
Text your dad “egg salad sandwich” four times in one day. He’ll probably think his phone is broken.
Motives for murder:
1. Jealousy
2. Sex
3. Greed
4. Snoring
Doctor: If it gets worse, who should we notify?
Liam Neeson: Next of Kin.
Doctor: It shouldn’t come to that, though. How are you feeling today?
Liam Neeson: High Spirits.
Writing advice: Write well, not badly. Keep writing until the book is finished. After you’re finished, get the book published. Sell a lot of copies, not just a few.
*sees cute baby*
Everyone: omg I want oneMy ovaries, taking a drag of a cigarette: ya’ll hear something?