If you are worried about getting a double chin, do not, I repeat do not fold a beach towel in front of the mirror.
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Why would I want a vehicle that seats 8 people? I don’t even like 8 people.
[on a date with a caribou as a favor to my sister]
me: so…did you like the movie?
caribou: *knocks over candy display & tramples 3 kids*
*brings vasectomy paperwork to speed dating*
I want to meet the individual who made this
A couple who are silly together stay together.
My friends went out for Vietnamese without me and now I have Phomo.
I’m get sick of hearing people bitch about $8 beers. $15 parking and a $20 cover charge. If you don’t like the prices , stop coming to my house
Parents: “If only there were a manual for this.”
Also parents: “How dare you tell me how to raise my kids, you piece of shit.”
Hi, Id like to buy a Nutri-Bullet, pls.
Salesperson: Ah, nice. Off on a cleanse or health kick?
Yes. *imagines drinking lasagna* For sure.
My son just came and asked me to help him with his history project and I really feel like he’s taking a BIG chance on me considering what happened when I tried to help him with his math homework. Here goes nothing.
I’m not here for the attention. I’m just looking for victims for my next batch of ‘meat’ pies.
theres been a horrible success at the accident factory
[ME]: *pointing up to the sky writer plane* it’s a message for you babe
[GF]: oh how romantic
[GF]: omg yes i wi-
[ME]: wait keep watching
Nothing makes me get up faster than my 6yo walking by me with a bottle of Elmer’s glue.
Sometimes, when I’m washing my hair with coconut shampoo, I close my eyes and picture being on a remote tropical island, being cooked in a giant pot by canibals.
Finding Nemo 3:
Nemo’s mom isn’t dead.
Nemo’s dad kidnapped Nemo to avoid a custody dispute.
Nemo’s mom finds them.
It’s a revenge tale.
7 years and 170,000 tweets later, all I can say is I’m glad this isn’t a gambling addiction.
My 2-year-old refused to brush her teeth because a towel was in the wrong spot.
I calmly explained to her that the position of the towel didn’t matter and that she needed to brush her teeth no matter what.
Just kidding.
I moved the damn towel.
Kids will be like, “How was I suppose to know it would spill?”
– my son chasing his sisters around our living room with an open container of fake blood.
is it pronounced stephen or stefan? anyways he’s now pronounced dead, sorry about your dad kid *ruffles hair*
Why put it off till tomorrow when you can get a jumpstart and start screwing it up today.
Some cool things about NYC are that it’s the nation’s largest city, an international cultural and economic hub, and right now there are about 8 people left running it
Trump is opting not to have celebrities at his inauguration in the same way that I opted not to take any cheerleaders to prom.
I keep calling one of my soccer players by the wrong name but in my defense I’ve only been coaching the team for a month and I’m her mother.
Little Drummer Boy: I have no gift to bring, pa rum pum pum pum.
Mary: What about that rad drum?
Little Drummer Boy: No
Mary: Get out
[Ouija Board]
“Oh great spirits tell me ur secrets”
You'll die soon
Hold on I have another call
me: I feel like this’d be better if I knew my competitors. Like maybe you could do a grid and we could see who won each week?
therapist: again, you can’t “win” therapy
[first date]
Bruce Wayne: “please tell me you’re a dog person, i’m so done with cat women”
I like that all the Ikea instructions illustrations always assume I have a friend.
Relationship status~ Siri saw my browser history & now she isn’t talking to me either