if your ears are burning that means someone is talking about you, and they’re talking to an emergency dispatcher BECAUSE YOUR EARS ARE ON FIRE.
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Me: Oh, yeah. The year change always messes me up.
Wife: You wrote 1992.
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sharks do not actually like the taste of human flesh, they are just trying to find out if you are a cake
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Me: *concerned because she looks shellshocked* Are you okay?
W: Um I’m visiting, not local. *looking at her phone* This CAN’T be right. It says the NEAREST Starbucks is 58 miles?
Me: *laughing* Yep
W: OMG noooo
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[Starbucks intercom]
“Will the man that ordered the Skinny Cinnamon Dolce Latte please pick up your drink. No one is looking.”
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[liquor store]
Him: Did you see a cat in here? I know I just heard purring.
Me: *looking at huge boxed wine selection*
Him: Oh, it’s you.
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“This horrible tragedy occurred in this part of the world. In other news, this irrelevant celebrity did this inane thing.
a whale can launch it’s entire body out of the ocean and you have trouble getting out of bed in the morning
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Me: like 3 I think
5 made a window cling, and it’s the most corrupt Sun I’ve ever seen.
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According to autocorrect, my favorite Star Wars character is Bob’s Feet.
The brake is on the left, the gas peddle is on the right, & the liquor store is 4 miles ahead.
-Me teaching my 3yr old niece how to drive
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Gotta get to bed early-tomorrow I’m bringing down the recycling
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[talking with ex]
Me: Is he more boring than me?
Her: He is.
Me: *devastated* How could you?
Imagine if a centipede had to cut its toenails.