I’ll judge you by the way you treat people.
Also by your music and book preferences, but mostly the first thing.
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Banning us to the couch is not as bad as you believe it is ladies. It makes us feel manly. Like we’re camping. With an angry bear close by.
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I’m pretty terrified of the possibility that you guys might crawl out of my phone like that girl in The Ring.
Stonehenge is vulnerable to vandalism because it’s too easily accessible. If our ancestors had possessed any common sense they wouldn’t have built an important monument so close to a major road like the A303.
Guy at Q&A when there’s only 2 minutes for questions: hi! First of all I just wanted to say thank you so much for sharing this amazing work of art with all of us, I can easily say we’re all honored to be able to see this film in such a great venue. Let’s give it up for the staff…
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a) a real number
b) an imaginary numberDaughter:
a) the number displayed on Dad’s bathroom scale
b) the weight listed on his driver’s license
Look grandma. You told me to bring something to the wake. If you meant a casserole, you should have said so. Now help me load this drum kit.
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*sets alarm for 5am*
*wakes up at 4:55am to cancel alarm*
*goes back to sleep*
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prison guard: ok you’re free to go
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look detective, we’re ALL looking for a hot 5’ 10” guy with athletic build and strong follow through instincts
*arrives in Las Vegas for first time at age 36*
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Computer: Do you trust this device?
Me: Why? Is there something you’re not telling me?
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-only 2 outcomes
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one time I saw a guy playing with a yoyo walk into a street sign. I laughed so hard that it changed me. It changed everything.
*gets notification I’ve been added to your “Hi” list
adds you to my “No” list*
[Paranormal Investigator shows up at Disney World]
Ok, show me this so-called “haunted mansion”
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[spelling bee]
judge: your word is problematic
me: then maybe give me a different word
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Been feeling a little moody and run down lately, so I googled my symptoms to see what I might have.
It’s kids. I have kids.
Guys when life is tough and you feel nothing is going your way, remember, things could always be worse. You could have to take a shit at a music festival.
every day my youngest daughter asks if i am here for the “silly billy look-a-like contest.” how much of this is a good man meant to take before he is radicalized