In the shower: so nice hearing the kids playing and laughing together
Out of shower: oh that’s screaming and crying and the house is burning down
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Spanish: The h is silent
English: Many letters can be silent
French: All letters are meaningless, every living thing is born without reason
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Me : Flow away, I’m busy.
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Less on-coming train.
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Obi-Wan: We’ll be stealthy.
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“Help yourself!”
– people who don’t want to help you
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*invents time machine*
*goes to 1930 germany*
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Motives for murder:
1. Jealousy
2. Sex
3. Greed
4. Snoring
I can’t stop laughing at this
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I’m so happy that I got rid of my $250 cable so I can spend $500 on streaming services.
Flight attendant: Can I get you something to drink?
Me: What kind of gravy do you have?
Doctor: I’m afraid you have very little time left
Me: oh no
Doctor: my next appointment is here
Me: ohhh jesus I thought
Doctor: he’s gonna help you make a will
Me- WHOA, let me Google that for ya
CW- Google what?
* (types)why is my CW an annoying dipshit
* makes eye contact
*slow presses enter
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[Thanksgiving dinner]
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Wife: ok so what’s everyone else thankful for?
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It’s the only way I can be sure they won’t try them.
Me: please tell me my future, madame
Palm reader: *studies my hand* it says ‘lots of seks and the good cheeses’
Me: awesome
Palm reader: in sharpie
Me: yeah
Palm reader: you’re going to die alone