Instead of saying a package is Family Size, it’d be more helpful if it listed a time frame, like 3 Hours Worth of Cookies.
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Toddler: *dodges the tissue like she’s in the Matrix*
If anyone needs help communicating with their teen daughter,
I am officially fluent in sigh.
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Saturday: well these CDs aren’t going to put themselves in chronological order
Sunday: on second thought, I’m going to rank them
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3yo: Nothing
8yo: No, just say nothing
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[reading humpty dumpty]
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Me: The same reason you eat your vegetables.
5: Because Mom is scary?
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*Judge bangs his gavel*
So’s there an ordHIM?!
“Oh for the lov- GUILTY!”
Does this Guilt have a sist
DOCTOR: I think you have a curvature of the upper spine
QUASIMODO: That a diagnosis?
D: We need an X-ray to confirm. Right now it’s a hunch
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Trains are just sideway elevators.
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Me: My tarot cards say that you’re going to be in pain soon.
Him: Ha! My Magic 8 Ball said No.
*hurls Magic 8 Ball at him*
Him: Ouch!
it really cannot be overstated how important it is to be thirty years younger than the guy you’re fighting