Interior design 👌
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Shortly before lockdown I sold a cordless vacuum cleaner to someone and didn’t, I repeat didn’t, say to him as I handed it over, well it was just gathering dust.
I now have to live with this missed opportunity.
[throws milk at cows]
go be with your family
I caught a cute guy salivating and giving me sexy eyes at the restaurant today and I was growling and giving him kissy faces but it turns out he was eyeing the waitress behind me who was bringing out his food and so to save face I dropped to the floor and faked a seizure.
The people who got clotheslined by a landline phone cord
Asa Mitaka
Who is your target audience when you tweet?
“you shouldn’t block people for differing political views” i’ve blocked people for calling a song i like a skip
Recipe comment: I didn’t use any of the spices and replaced chicken stock with some liquid I squeezed from an old pillow I found on the highway. 0 stars tastes like shit
Genie: Alright, you know the drill, 3 rules: no wishing for death, no falling in love, no bringing anyone back from the dead
Me: I wish my socks were tongues 🙂
Genie: There are 4 rules
*scream sings THERE GOES MY HERO*
Today I gave my son some chips from England. He put one in his mouth, made a face, and asked what flavour it was. ‘Roast Beef’ I replied. He promptly spat it out and asked “why would they do that?” Buddy, we’ve been asking Britain that question for 500 years.
Can’t believe people still say “pot” it’s not the 70s anymore we call it “saucepan” now
we are always told “don’t eat the cookies that are cooling on the tray” and then “don’t eat the cookies that are in the jar” the loophole in this system is to eat the cookies while they are still baking in the oven.
I’m sorry I said your baby looks like a hairless hamster. But in my defense, you shouldn’t have had a hairless hamster for a baby.
Ways that I am superior to dolphins:
– Am not afraid of being on dry land
– If you ask me to open an envelope, I do it quickly and it doesn’t get wet
– Faster at replying to emails
– Know more about the causes of World War 1
– Very rare for me to be swept up in a fishing net
I got robbed last night but in the best way possible: I was pickpocketed which means I didn’t even have to talk to the person who robbed me.
[1st date]
HER: My favorite movie is Zoolander, how bout u?
HER: What part’s ur fave?
ME: Um [sweating] when he lands a zoo
Weird how I can’t seem to reach anything at the grocery store when bearded men are around
I don’t wash my car for months but the first week I do it rains 5 times. 😡
Cauliflower pretzels? Do you know what either of those words mean?
He looks like he’s got a lot to say
Satan: Welcome to hell! You can spend all eternity walking barefoot across legos OR you can wear these crocs.
Natives: actually it’s no-
N: no see, we are nowhere near-
Husband: So we’ve basically given up.
Me: On what?
H: *gestures to 4yo carefully piling spaghetti on his head*: Parenting.
I’m going on my first date in years, and I’ve forgotten the proper etiquette. Do I cry after dessert, or when he’s paid the bill?
If you want to add more flavor to your toddler’s food just put it on your plate and it becomes instantly irresistible to them follow for more parenting tips
Mary and Joseph chose to have Jesus in a barn rather than spend Christmas with their families.
I packed workout clothes and nutritious snacks for a vacation and my suitcase can’t stop laughing
romeo and juliet is what happens when you don’t sync your watches before a mission
I really had high hopes for this year though