Interviewer: It says here you have advanced math skills. How many times have you used them at work?
Me: *holds up fingers* This many.
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director: it’s a really cute movie about a deer and his mother
disney: sounds great, let’s add murder
My husband made me mad so I sent him to a store that closed a year ago to buy something they stopped making two years ago
My girlfriend and I are celebrating our anniversary tonight by breaking up six years ago.
Thoughts and prayers for my mom, she’s really struggling with my weight
If Batman gets to use a piece of Kryptonite against Superman, Superman should get to use a piece of Batman’s parents. Fair is fair.
HIS AGENT: gary that’s a bad idea—how’d you feel about a ghost writer?
A woman at my bar was talking about how she has hard time meeting men and I told her to just start conversations with people. A guy comes in and sits next to her and she turns to him and goes “where were you during 9/11?”
They should have a section on the wing of the plane where people can go out for a cigarette
ME: I have good news & bad news
WIFE: Bad news first
M: We’re out of bananas
W: The good news?
M: *points to monkey in the kitchen*
If you give someone some Beethoven CDs for a gift and they don’t like it, you can always take them Bach
My daughter showed me a beautiful handmade wind chime project on Pinterest. I told her, “I don’t know who you think I am right now.”
Me: Goodnight moon
Moon: night.
Me: What?
Moon: nothing. It’s fine.
Me: You’re acting distant
Moon: I’m 238,900 miles away
66% of Canadians were unimpressed with “The Revenant”, or as it’s known in Canada, “Pretty Average Day”
I wish they’d stop turning movies into musicals and make them ice shows instead.
I’d pay good money to see “The Godfather on Ice.”
Stuffs sugar packets into my handbag as I leave the cafe.
Sachets away.
[stranded on a desert island]
*finds a message in a bottle*
hey honey, where do we keep the teabags?
Agent: I have a script for you.
Daniel Radcliffe: Is it weird?
Agent: Yes.
Radcliffe: I’ll do it.
ME: we have a problem, karen invited us to a coldplay concert
HER: nice i love coldplay
ME: ok we have two problems
Bruce Willis in a lot of action roles he’s played:
Bruce Killis
*eye of the tiger starts to play as I trip & fall down the stairs
Taco Bell: You need to loosen up.
Stools: OK!
Looking to hire someone who can photo edit my ex out of all of my vacation photos and replace him with a potato
wife: You’re going to work like that?
me: Yeah, it’s casual day
[20 minutes later]
*calls wife*
me: Can you bring me a shirt?
Next time a stranger talks to me when I’m alone, I will look at them shocked and whisper “You can see me?”..
My teen said I have a lot of fashionable clothes “because stuff from the 1900s is back in style” and I wonder if that includes washing a sassy teen’s mouth out with soap.
Yes we left some guests inside the park last night. yes we’re going back for them. Calm down
Guys, I really think 50 Shades missed out on a really a big marketing slogan…
She uses her boyfriends toothbrush without his knowledge and wears his underwear every day….I eat a dog biscuit ONCE and I’M the weirdo???
I don’t get to work from home but that won’t stop me from showing up in my bathrobe.